Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Reptile man, look back on 1949

Series: Harrington News | Story 31


The Reptile Man

What might snakes and spaghetti have in common? In Harrington on May 21, they were both offered to the community for free, sponsored by the Harrington PTA in the multipurpose room. A good crowd turned out to see Scott Petersen with his friends: King Cobra, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Albino Python, American Alligator, and Horned Viper. It is one thing to sit in the comfort of one's home and read about these unique reptiles; and it is quite another thing to sit on the edge of your seat and watch innocent young children march up and stand in line and hold out their arms to support a 14 foot long Albino Python. Cameras were snapping, capturing the unbelievable sights. This writer did not obtain the name of the courageous young volunteer whose body Mr Peterson purposely and gently wrapped up with a beautifully marked brown and tan snake. The youngster managed fine while the snake wove in between his legs and around his waist, giving him in Mr P's words, "The Terrible Snake Wedgie!"

"Scott Petersen holds degrees in Zoology and Education and has been featured nationally on Disney's Bill Nye The Science Guy and PBS's Biz Kids. He is the founder of The Washington Serpentarium Reptile Zoo located one mile east of Monroe. All poisonous snakes are surgically devenomized. Our Mission is to inspire a reconnection with the natural world. Petersen founded the Reptile Zoo in 1996 with the hope of furthering his goal to help others appreciate more fully the beauties and mysteries the natural world has to offer. Before founding the Reptile Zoo he was a high school biology teacher." For more information visit his website:

Upcoming Events

Harrington High School Graduation, May 31st, 6 p.m.

Bob Dylan and Patsy Cline, Saturday, June 1st, 7 p.m. at the Opera House

Is 1949 Really History?

This writer recently located an interesting old map: "Presenting Your New Map For Lincoln County and Northern Adams County, Washington With a review of Business and Industry Published by the Western States Publishing Co, Seattle, Washington." The inside of this folded map shows the above noted areas, and rang a faint memory bell that a map much like this used to be hung on the walls of some of the local businesses. The back side of the map has short paragraphs on many of the businesses of these areas.

Items on the Almira businesses included: Eckhart's Sporting Good Store, Shell Service Station (managed by W M Anderson), White Motor Co (manage by Vaughn White), Almira Hotel (with managers Lois and Larry Wilson), and Almira Machine Supply (managed by Joseph C Folven).

Businesses in Davenport that were advertised were Lennon's Cafe on Morgan St (managed by Emma A Lennon), Hernas Chevrolet Co (managed by Maynard Hernas), and Associated Service (managed by Kenneth Huffman and Ted Heitman).

Advertisements for Lind businesses included: Lind Dry Cleaners (managed by Mr and Mrs Edwin Longmeier), Swarts & Fode Chevrolet Co (managed by Irwin G Swarts and Emil J Fode), Miller Hardware Co (owned by John Miller), Hi-Power Service (managed by Harley Wright, dealer for the new Kaiser and Frazer cars and handler of High Power Gas and Oil), Gateway Cafe, and Ensz Garage.

Progressive businesses advertised for Ritzville were Ted's Body Shop, Hotel Davis (managed by Mr and Mrs Paul Davis), Chatter Box Cafe, Frank's Electric (managed by Frank Hebard), Pete Greenwalt's Garage (First & Adams), Eckhardt Machine Shop (Jacob Eckhardt, owner), Chas Brietkrelitz Farm Machinery (distributor for Oliver and Minneapolis Moline tractors and farm implements), and Walker's Signal Oil Service (First & Palouse).

Only two businesses were advertised in the Sprague area and they were the Sprague Lake Resort and the Chevron Service Station (managed by J M Culligan).

Wilbur businesses that opted to advertise were: Holmes Cash Store (managed by R H Holmes), Associated Service Station (managed by R James Harris), Finch Motors (manager, C C Finch), and Radio Electric Service (manager B H Hose).

Five businesses were advertised for the Harrington area. The Clawson's Repair Shop item stated: "Of all the different types of business which go to make up a complete and well-rounded business community, perhaps none is more essential to its agricultural and industrial progress than a modern repair shop. This section of Lincoln County is fortunate in having Clawson's Repair Shop in Harrington for they have shop facilities to handle jobs, both large and small. And, regardless of what you wish done in repair work, you can count on the service given here as being up to your expectations at all times. The manager, C R Clawson, is thoroughly familiar with all phases of the operation of a modern repair shop. Clawson's Repair Shop sells and installs all types of hydraulic hoists, and is the headquarters for the maintenance and repairs for much of the industry in this district. We wish to compliment this firm upon the part they play in the industrial progress of this section."

Whipple Hardware's ad reads: "Nothing is more satisfying than evenly distributed heat, so it might well be said that the comfort of modern America is largely in the hands of competent sheet metal and heating experts. One of the most advanced firms of this kind in Harrington and the surrounding territory is the Whipple Hardware in Harrington which specializes in heating problems peculiar to this area. Managed by D E Whipple, this concern stands ready to help you plan the most efficient and economical type of heat for your home or business and their reputation in this industry stands high with those who know the value of properly installed heating equipment. The Whipple Hardware, in addition to these sheet metal and heating services, also offer a full line of hardware. And in this review of Lincoln County, we compliment this concern upon their contribution to the comfort and well-being of their many satisfied customers."

"Although Benjamin Franklin performed his famous kite experiment in 1752 it was not until the 19th century that the possibilities of electricity became generally known. Scientists of the present century have improved these possibilities so that we of today live in an age of electrical wonders. However, these wonders would not be possible without the services of a reliable electrical contractor. Outstanding in this vicinity is the Harrington Electric in Harrington. In addition to providing expert electrical contracting service, they also handle General Electric appliances. So whether you need a new stove or merely wish to replace a worn out toaster, they are glad to aid in the selection of the most suitable model. In this review of the business and industry of Lincoln County, we wish to compliment the manager, Martin E Howlett, upon the excellent type of service he is rendering."

"One of man's earliest steps toward civilization was when he started to till the soil. At first, even by working from dawn till dark, he could raise only enough food for his own needs. But now, thanks to the advent of modern farm machinery, he occupies a leading position in the world's economy by helping to feed hundreds of his fellow men. The importance of the farmer to the economics of the world is well known by the Birge-Swenson Implement Store in Harrington, and they take justifiable pride in serving the farmers of this territory by supplying International Harvester farm machinery which will best meet their needs. We would like to point out that the Birge-Swenson Implement Store, managed by Cecil Birge and Darel Swenson, is in a position to help the farmers of this locality to greater prosperity for they know the local conditions, problems and needs and are well qualified to give service and advice."

"The earliest recorded use of insurance was during the middle ages when marine insurance was instituted to encourage commercial relations between countries. Rates were so high, however, that many ship owners preferred to carry the risk themselves. Today there is no reason for anyone to be without adequate insurance coverage, for old line reliable companies feature a variety of policies to suit any individual need. Harrington and the vicinity is fortunate to have a modern and efficient agency located in its midst. The Gilbert Insurance Agency in Harrington represents some of the strongest insurance companies in America, and they specialize in Farm Blanket Policies. Now is the time when you should check up on fire insurance coverage, for high replacement costs might mean considerable loss in the event of a fire. We suggest you have a talk with Mr C F Gilbert who will be happy to help you."

Odessa, Creston and Reardan were shown on the map however none of their business owners chose to advertise.


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