The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, preceded by a workshop in the district office at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the budget and discussing legislative updates.
Present were board chair Ed Deife; members Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar; Dan Read, superintendent; Jamie Nelson, principal and Juli Weishaar, business manager. Also present were Justin Parr, facilities supervisor; teachers Jeff Nelson, Larry Weber, Travis Schuh and Jeff Wehr and students Josie Westmoreland, Tori Weishaar, Colton Messer, Chase Kissler and Justin Reninger.
Advanced science research
High school science teacher Jeff Wehr introduced the advanced science research students, Josie Westmoreland, Justin Reninger, Tori Weishaar, Colton Messer and Chase Kissler. Each presented a 30-second overview of their advanced science research topics.
Coaches Jeff Nelson, Larry Weber and Travis Schuh responded to the board’s discussion from the previous month’s board meeting regarding practice schedules on holidays and during the school’s winter and spring breaks.
Consent agenda
The board approved the consent agenda which included the minutes of the April 24 regular meeting; payroll warrants #612023-612050 and direct deposit warrants #900006917-900006979, for a total of $293,676.36; general fund A/P warrants #612051-612096 for $62,566.61; general fund A/P warrants #612107-612111 for $1,425.97; ASB fund A/P warrants #612097-612106 for $23,541.00; the resignation of Kevin Schaefer as the maintenance/transportation assistant; travel for students and chaperones to the National FBLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas June 27-July 3, 2019; summer basketball camps: June 14-16 for HS boys at Seaside, Ore .; June 17-20 for HS JV boys in Soap Lake and June 24-27 for HS girls in Soap Lake.
Superintendent’s report
Superintendent Read reported an enrollment of 249.2 FTE for the month of May.
Read reported the district will be honored at the ESD on June 6, to receive an award from OSPI for achievement on the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF) measures. Odessa High School is being recognized for its high graduation rate and the School Quality and Student Success (SQSS) measures. Read invited the board members to attend the award ceremony with him in Spokane.
Read asked for volunteers to participate in the upcoming graduation ceremony. Following a brief discussion, Chairman Deife and Vice Chairman Valverde agreed to pass out diplomas during graduation on June 8.
Principal’s report
Principal Nelson reported a P-12 headcount enrollment of 262 students.
She reported on the elementary talent show, the music department’s participation in the Lilac Parade, the K-12 music concert and their Silverwood trip, the spring spirit week, the science department’s STEM Gems day and the FFA state conference.
Upcoming activities include FBLA fundraising for Nationals in San Antonio and the senior class trip to Silverwood on May 31.
Board report
Carmen Weishaar and Chairman Deife commented on how well the students performed at Monday evening’s K-12 music concert.
AD report
Principal Nelson read the athletic director’s report submitted by Bruce Todd. The report summarized the high school baseball and track seasons and listed the all-league athletes for both sports.
The junior high track season finished May 6, and the final junior-high baseball game of the season was to be played on May 23.
A summary of the summer athletic camps was read and schedules for next year’s high school football, volleyball, basketball and junior high football and volleyball games were passed out. Athletic Director Todd noted there will be changes made as the year progresses.
Facilities Report
Facilities Director Justin Parr reported he is utilizing the services of substitute custodians until a custodian/grounds replacement is hired.
Parr stated he has been dealing with breakdowns to a bus used on recent activity trips.
Financial report
Read presented the ASB balance sheet for April and the financial activity reports for the general fund for April showing an unassigned fund balance of $905,239.
Date of next regular meeting
The next regular board meeting will be held Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the high school library. The board scheduled a workshop at 5:30 p.m. before the regular meeting.
2019-2020 fee schedule
Read presented the recommended fee schedule for the 2019-2020 school year. Because breakfast and lunch fees were increased last year, Read recommended not increasing the breakfast or lunch prices, with the deficit revenue from the food service program to be paid out of general fund dollars. Preschool tuition for 4-year-olds would increase from $90 to $100 per month and preschool tuition for 3-year-olds was put at $60 per month.
ASB Dues/Card
K-6 $ 20
7-12 $ 45
Annual, 9-12 $ 45
AG/Shop Fee $ 10
Preschool tuition 4-yr-olds (per month) $ 100
Preschool tuition 3-yr-olds (per month) $ 60
Reduced preschool tuition (monthly) $45.00/NC (based on lunch qualification)
Breakfast prices
Grades PreK-5 $ 1.75
Grades 6-12 $ 2.00
Adults $ 2.50
Lunch prices
Grades K-5 $ 2.50
Grades 6-8 $ 2.75
Grades 9-12 $ 3.00
Ala Carte Entrée $ 1.90
Ala Carte Side $ 0.75
Adults $ 4.25
Milk (half pint) $ 0.40
Procedure 2410 –
Graduation Ceremony
Principal Nelson reported on a meeting she and senior class advisor Kimberly Ryan had with the junior class regarding graduation robes for next year. The boys in the class want to purchase camouflage robes online. Nelson discussed fundraising guidelines with the students and set an August 30 deadline for ordering the robes either online and/or with Jostens as has been done in the past.
Resolution #4-2019-2020 Delegating Authority to WIAA
Read presented and the board approved Resolution #4-2018-2019, which allows the WIAA to control, supervise and regulate activities consistent with the rules and regulations of the WIAA.
Executive session
Chairman Deife announced the board would go into a five-minute executive session at 7:12 p.m. to discuss ongoing qualifications for employment with no action to follow.
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