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Sheriff's Report


Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, May 20: Deputies were advised of an unwanted individual at a residence in the 300 block of NE Foster Street in Creston.

A Sprague area caller requested assistance with a 16-year-old boy described as “being verbally aggressive” with his mother.

A caller advised that while traveling west on U.S. 2 near Wilbur, she slowed for a tractor ahead of her and her vehicle was rear-ended. Although she said her neck was hurting, she refused services from an ambulance.

Deputies investigated two possible sexual assault incidents in the Davenport and Sprague areas.

Tuesday, May 21: Deputies investigated a possible fraud incident in Davenport that involved a check for $3,590.20 to pay for cleaning services.

Someone used a knife to slash tires on a RV parked in the 100 block of NW West Street in Wilbur.

A Sprague caller told dispatchers that someone has been passing around unfounded accusations about him.

An air vent was kicked in at a business in the 400 block of Morgan Street in Davenport, where other damage was reported as a result of malicious mischief.

A 51-year-old Creston man was transported by ambulance from the 100 block of NW Watson Street to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport after suffering an apparent heart attack.

Davenport ambulance personnel transported a 45-year-old man suffering a pancreatic attack from a residence on Miles Road North to Lincoln Hospital.

A 33-year-old woman suffered cuts on her head after the vehicle she occupied was involved in a rollover collision on U.S. 2 near Wilbur. She was transported to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.

Wednesday, May 22: A woman who was seen hanging out of a car at Rickey’s Corner Mart in Davenport told a concerned deputy that she was tired after driving all day and was taking a nap.

A man that a deputy encountered at the Wilbur park said he had been kicked out of his residence and needed a place to stay. The deputy subsequently discovered the man hadn’t been kicked out after all, but it all was simply a misunderstanding.

An investigating deputy discovered two individuals in a “suspicious” vehicle were intoxicated and “just hanging out” at the Wilbur Mini Storage.

Thursday, May 23: An individual was taken to jail on suspicion of residential burglary after deputies responded to a report from the 800 block of Nicholls Street in Davenport.

Friday, May 24: A one-vehicle rollover collision was reported on SR 231 just past the bridge from Stevens County near the Avista substation. The Washington State Patrol, Reardan EMTs and an ambulance crew from Wellpinit were notified.

A Wilbur caller advised that kids in the park had thrown things into her yard in the 100 block of SW Broadway Street and that she had almost been hit by a golf ball.

Deputies investigated a report of a man acting in a belligerent manner at the Goose Creek RV Park in Wilbur.

Dispatchers received a report of individuals burning garbage and chairs in the roadway on Jump Street in Creston.

A 58-year-old Harrington woman was described in “horrible pain” and couldn’t walk after twisting her knee. She was transported from the 200 block of South First Street to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.

Responding to a residence on Blomgren Road East in Edwall, EMTs from Reardan and Edwall, along with a Davenport ambulance crew, assisted a 75-year-old woman who woke up confused, sweating and with breathing problems.

Saturday, May 25: Deputies checked out a possible burglary reported at a residence on Sprague Lake Resort Road after a resident found the front door open and two tires with low air on a car in the driveway.

A slow moving truck with a camper went only 25 miles per hour, causing a traffic backup of 30 cars on U.S. 2 west of SR 231 South between Reardan and Davenport.

A deputy responded to a verbal dispute between residents of the 600 block of West 3rd Street in Sprague after a child accidentally kicked a ball into a yard and it wasn’t returned.

The driver of a vehicle sped away after colliding with the Wilbur Wonder Mart, causing an impact strong enough to move the freezers inside. The vehicle later was located at the Willows Motel and two days later, at the Davenport Motel in Davenport, where a man and woman were placed into custody.

A responding deputy was unable to locate a suspicious vehicle that appeared to be casing the marijuana farm on Weishaar Road East near Odessa.

Sunday, May 26: Two men and two women were described as “drunk and fighting” at the Fishtrap campground, resulting in injuries to the women, one of whom also was bitten on the leg by a dog during the melee. One of the women was transported to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport, the other to a Spokane hospital. Additionally, a man was reported to be in and out of consciousness while being transported by another ambulance to the Davenport hospital. At least one individual was arrested.

Strong winds were blamed for flagpoles breaking and toppling to the ground at Mountain View Cemetery in Davenport after being placed there for Memorial Day.

Deputies arrested a man believed to be under the influence of alcohol and/or marijuana after the vehicle he was driving, with two young children inside, was clocked at 80 miles per hour on Miles Creston Road near its intersection with Hawk Creek Road North.

A Sprague caller said someone pulled off a garden hose and flooded a yard in the 400 block of East Fairweather Avenue in Sprague.

A disabled boat was towed from the mouth of Hawk Creek to the Seven Bays Marina.

Dispatchers dealt with a report that a man was down in a field adjacent to SR 25 about 10 miles north of Davenport and needed medical attention.

Deputies responded to a report involving “the same couple we always deal with” at a residence near Seventh and Morgan streets in Davenport who often take their domestic quarrels out into the street.


May 22: Charles Patrick Moses, 32, Ford, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for an ignition interlock violation.

May 24: Erney Wayne Gilbert, 58, Creston, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

An additional five individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections and one under contract with the City of Airway Heights.


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