A student must have a grade point average of 3.50-4.00 to be on the Honor Roll and Honorable Mention requires a grade point average of 3.25-3.49. Grade values are based on the state transcript requirements and are as follows: A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-= 2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, F=0.0.
High School
Seniors: Tori Weishaar (4.0), Megan Shafer, Kassidy Crossley, Jordan Larmer, Theron Schlomer, Brenna Carstensen. Honorable mention: Arianna German, Destiny Costlow-German
Juniors: Eric Johnston, Ireland Luiten, Maddy Wagner (4.0), Ryan Moffet, Camden Weber, Marcus King, Joshua...
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