John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Sentencings
Danny J. Cook, 58, of Valleyford, Wash., pleaded guilty Nov. 13, 2018, to second-degree trafficking in stolen property in connection with the taking of a snowplow and other items from property adjacent to Waukon Road between Sept. 8 and 23 of that year. He was sentenced July 9 to serve four months of electronic home monitoring and pay $500 in court assessments. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew charges of second-degree burglary and first-degree theft.
Hunter Hayden Hezekia Haley-Acuff, 26, of Reardan, pleaded guilty July 16 to theft of a firearm, second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm and second-degree theft (access device) in connection with multiple incidents of vehicle prowling in the towns of Wilbur and Creston between Nov. 20 and 28, 2018. His sentence includes 38½ months in prison and treatment under a Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative program, 39½ months community supervision (probation) and payment of $500 court assessments and restitution to be determined. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew five counts of second-degree theft (access device) and 38 counts of second-degree vehicle prowling that were originally filed with the court,
Civil Judgment
In a case originally filed in 2016 and involving property at 40901 Miles Creston Road North, U.S. Bank National Association won a July 16 default judgment for $124,348.23, along with a foreclosure order, against the unknown heirs, spouse, legatees and devisees of Herman G. Fisher and Bernice M. Fisher, Frank Fisher, John Fisher, Joe Fisher, Mary Warwick and others.
Estate of Marla Willeen Leander, of Coulee City, who died June 18.
Dan B. Johnson, Judge
Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.
Hector Chavez Nunez, Kennewick, Wash., probation violation (operating motor vehicle without required ignition interlock device), 10 days jail.
Dean Edward Olson, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $200 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court’s conditions are met).
Catherine Pearl Wadkins, Omak, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail converted to 8 hours community service, $300 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
Ernest Keith Young, Reardan, displaying a dangerous weapon, amended at prosecutor’s request to disorderly conduct, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail (credited as served), $43 court assessment; driving under the influence, amended at prosecutor’s request to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail (credited as served), $1,143 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims’ panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing).
Demarquis Q. Finley, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 3 days jail converted to 24 hours community service, $450 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
Kelsy Lynn Peterson, Kennewick, Wash., third-degree escape, pleaded guilty, 10 days jail; probation violation (2 counts of third-degree theft), 30 days jail.
Terrance Kyler Jim, Spokane, probation violation (driving under the influence and while license suspended), 3 days jail (credited as served), $102 court assessment.
Lincoln County Clerk’s Office
New filings: Brian C. Finch and Deanna M. Finch, both formerly of Davenport, married Dec. 1, 2011, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, separated March 30, 2019, three dependent children involved, respondent requests change of last name for herself and two of the children to Olson; the case was originally filed in Spokane County in April and transferred to Lincoln County last month. Also, 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office
Bruce William McFadden, Wilbur, to James C. Hudkins and Marla Rae Vasicek, Spokane Valley – property at 45368 Hanson Harbor Road North, Wilbur (Lot 54, Hanson Harbor Subdivision), $270,000.
West Prairie LLC, Davenport, to Dennis M. Kangas, Jr., and Sarah R. Kangas, Davenport – south half of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 11, Gibson and Sawyer’s Addition to City of Davenport, $39,000.
Mary Fleck (trustee, Elaine Nollish Secrest Trust), San Mateo, Calif., to HIT, Inc., Harrington – 50 percent interest in the north half of Sec. 1, the southeast quarter of Sec. 2, both in T23N, R34E, and all of Sec. 6 and the northeast quarter of Sec. 7, both in T23N, R35E, $400,000.
Michael Lee Kiesz (individually and as trustee of an unnamed trust established in the estate of Gordon O. Kiesz), Odessa, to Justin P. and Natasha L. Parr, Odessa – portions of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 4, Original Town of Odessa, $500.
Gerald E. and Diane B. Brommer Living Trust, Reardan, to Steve B. and Linda S. Colvin, Oroville – portion of southwest quarter of Sec. 17 and southeast quarter of Sec. 28, both in T25N, R39E, $60,000.
Frank’s Place LLC, Wilbur, to Wade S. and Traci J. Starzman, Wilbur – property at 45405 SR 21N, Wilbur (Lot 4, Starkenburg Short Plat Replat), $0.
Justin T. and Monique P. Doll, Anchorage, Alaska, to Jefferson D. and Carrie D. Burrus, Creston – property at 35350 Doll Lane North, Creston (portion of Sec. 6, T26N, R36E), $238,000.
Michael Rooth and Julie Yahnke, Spokane, to Kevin L. and Jennifer A. Carlson, Deer Meadows – property at 30300 Dove Road East, Deer Meadows (Lot 50, Deer Heights Plat No. 2), $40,000.
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