The first annual Christian Rock Freedom Festival went was held last Saturday in the lot across First Avenue from Rolling Thunder Pizza. There was a steady stream of visitors all day, enjoying themselves and interacting with those in the Music, Faith and Prayer Tent, according to event organizer Nate Lathrop. The tent was hosted by a "Time to Revive Ministry" chapter out of Spokane (part of a nationwide organization based in Richardson, Texas). Several local pastors also performed.
Donations were received to help defray the expenses associated with the event, as well as to benefit the new Guitar Ministry for Kids established by Lathrop. Dominic Hicks and Nettie Miller were each presented with a guitar as the first two recipients. Lathrop said his aim is to put a guitar into every kid's hands who wants one.
The music went on throughout the afternoon, with most folks finding shady spots to sit or stand.
Plans are for the event to be held again next year, Saturday, July 25, 2020, in the same location.
To contact Lathrop about participation, donating to help defray expenses or to contribute a new or used (only lightly used please) guitar, write to him at P.O. Box 757, Odessa WA 99159 or call 509-658-2317.
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