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Odessa school district faces $200,000 budget shortfall

General fund reserves will make up difference

Series: School Board | Story 7

The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library Wednesday, July 24, 2019, preceded by a workshop in the district office where Superintendent Dan Read gave a brief overview of revenues and expenditures budgeted for each of the funds and board goals for the next school year were discussed.

A budget hearing also preceded the open meeting. Read gave a brief overview of the 2019-20 budget proposal, explaining that this year’s budget is tight due to levy reductions and declining student enrollment. Expenditures were budgeted based upon past expenditures with a small inflationary factor. Revenues were based on actual enrollment projections and not understated as in previous budgets. The budget includes a one-time hold harmless allocation of $96,302 from the state but will still call for reduction in district reserves by over $200,000.

Hearing no input or questions from the audience, the budget hearing was closed and the regular board meeting opened.

Present were board chair Ed Deife; board members Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar; Superintendent Read; Principal Jamie Nelson, Business Manager Juli Weishaar and Facilities Director Justin Parr.

The board approved the consent agenda which included minutes of the June 27, 2019 regular meeting; July payroll warrants #612204-612226 and direct deposit warrants #900007036-900007092 all totaling $297,627.60; general fund A/P warrants #612227-612267 totaling $78,889.76 and ASB fund A/P warrants #612268-612273 totaling $3,373.47.

Also approved were Marianne Iksic’s National Board Teaching Certification contract, a school nurse contract for 2019-2020 and a 2019-2020 contract with OMHC for occupational and physical therapy services.

Superintendent’s report

Read shared an invitation from a Ritzville school board member to the Legislative Assembly being held September 27/28 in Spokane.

Read reported negotiations with representatives of PSE (Public School Employees union) are scheduled for July 29, and OEA (local teachers’ union) negotiations are scheduled for August 7 and 8.

The superintendent sought input from the board regarding the purchase of two storage containers. One container would be placed on the property across from the gym as a divider between the community garden plot and the parking lot. The second container would be located in the vicinity of the bus garage and grandstand. Following a short discussion, the board agreed to proceed with the purchase of the containers.

A discussion was held regarding the flag pole located at the high school entrance which is currently blocked by a large pine tree. It was agreed to move the flag pole rather than remove it.

Principal’s report

Nelson reported she has been busy working on the professional development calendar for the next school year. The topics she has chosen will focus on district goals, developing instructional support and staff requests.

Nelson shared the theme for 2019-2020 is “You Belong Here.” She will be working with the ASB officers to integrate the theme throughout the school year.

Nelson thanked Nancy Glines for her hard work and enthusiasm in providing the students with a tasty and nutritious summer feeding program.

Facilities report

Justin Parr reported the jumping pit on the tennis court is finished and a new net has been installed on the center court.

Parr reported work is being done on buses, sprinklers are being replaced, painting and small maintenance projects throughout the facilities are being worked on and the gym floors have been sanded in preparation for the application of the wax sealer.

Financial Report

Read presented the ASB balance sheet for June and the financial activity reports for the general fund for June showing an unassigned fund balance of $849,407.

The next regular board meeting will be held Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the high school library, with a workshop at 5:30 p.m. before the regular meeting.

Budget resolution #4-2018-2019

Resolution #4-2018-19 was approved, reading in part, as follows: “Whereas, WAC 391-123-054 requires that the Board of Directors of every school district meet for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget of the district for the ensuing year; and Whereas, a public notice was published - - - - , Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Board of Directors - - - - has determined that the final appropriation level of expenditure for each fund will be as follows:

A. General Fund $4,630,307

B. Capital Projects Fund $420,000

C. Debt Service Fund $0

D. Associated Student Body $176,200

E. Transportation Vehicle Fund $0

Be it further resolved, the Board of Directors authorizes the Superintendent to apply for State and Federal grants and programs as follows:

Program No. 24, IDEA Part B

Program No. 24, IDEA Pre-school 619

Program No. 28, Carl Perkins Vocational

Program No. 51, Disadvantaged (Title I, Part A)

Program No. 52, School Improvement (Title II TQT)

Program No. 52, School Improvement (Title VI SRSAP)

Program No. 55, Learning Assistance (LAP)

Program No. 58, TPEP Teacher Training Funds

Program No. 74, High Capable Program

Adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105-157-166J…”

Certificated employment assurances 2019-2020 were also approved, as well as a donation of $2,500 to the Odessa High School FBLA chapter from the Stumpjumpers Motorcycle Club.

The board approved Alexandra Stanford as Concessions Director and Staci Claassen as part-time District Executive Secretary

There was no executive session.

Author Bio

Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, Editor

Terrie Schmidt-Crosby is an editor with Free Press Publishing. She is the former owner and current editor of the Odessa Record, based in Odessa, Wash.


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