HOHS meeting
President Ellen Evans opened the Opera House Society meeting August 5, with the following members present: Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Carol, Ed Haugan, Becky Moeller, Marge Womach, Kris Moritz, Karen Robertson and Bunny Haugan. Following the approval of minutes and the financial reports, discussion centered on building committee projects and reports. The building committee reported that Doug Kelley of Avista had met with them regarding the rebate/reimbursement paperwork, and Evans took the papers to complete them. The cable that Carol ordered from Ritzville was picked up by Robertson, who added other cables to the list. The motion to reimburse Robertson for additional equipment was approved unanimously. Stedman informed the group that the gate for the old staircase was ordered and that since he did not purchase it locally as originally thought, there would be shipping charges. Carol explained, in the absence of Gordon Herron that they believe there is a door latch which can be swapped out for the lobby door latch which is missing an internal piece.
Correspondence was received from Karen Allen with a request for support for the September 27 Street Dance, a fund-raiser for the Town Square Project. The letter did not specify which organization was in charge of the dance nor who was handling the finances for the event. The group opted to wait for clarification. The class of '69 has made arrangements with Linda Wagner for a tour of the Opera House on Sept. 27.
The next opera house event will be "Robert Vierschilling and Friends, An Evening of Classical Guitar" on August 17 at 7 p.m. This is a benefit concert to help the Harrington School's music program raise money for band instruments and acoustic guitars. As might be recalled, Vierschilling is the new music teacher with plans for the local school, "We will have beginning band for students in fifth and sixth grade and a concert band for students in grades seven through 12. Additionally, we're also going to offer a guitar class as an elective for students in grades 11 and 12." He has an extensive background in classical guitar performance and pedagogy. He earned his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in classical guitar at the Peabody Conservatory of John Hopkins University in Maryland. His teaching certification was more recently obtained through Eastern Washington University. The "Friends" performing with him are Mike Edmondson, with degrees in classical guitar performance from Central Washington University and the University of Idaho, Stella Stephanie Kosim with degrees from the University of Washington and Anton Sinkov who obtained a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Washington. Three of the four are currently teaching music.
Chamber of Commerce
The Harrington Chamber of Commerce met August 7 with the following present: Paula Harrington, David Michaelson, Rollie Behrens, Janice Jantz, Bunny Haugan, Cindy Haase, Karen Allen, Cherie MacClellan, Heather Slack and Wayne Massie. President Tipton was absent as he is with the harvest crews.
MacClellan reported that there are about 20 vendors interested in participating in the Harrington Fall Festival activities. She noted that once school commences she will contact school staff to see if any students are interested in such fundraising activities as face painting or running carnival games.
The Harrington Golf and Country Club will offer coupons for discounted golf for the Friday and Saturday of the Fall Festival.
The next Chamber mailer will be sent out in September. Deadline for submission is Sept. 9. Assembly of the packet will take place on Sept. 12, and they will be mailed on Sept. 13.
Superintendent Wayne Massie reports that the school has a new phone system, a camera at the entry with a locking door. People entering will be buzzed in. A new intercom, bell and clocks are being installed along with new security on some doors.
City Council meeting
The Harrington City Council met August 7 with Mayor Justin Slack opening the meeting. Those present were Cherie MacClellan, Peter Davenport, Levi Schenk, Nathan Luck (council members); Clerk Bunny Haugan, Compliance Coordinator Jess Silhan, Asst. Clerk Janice Jantz and Marge Womach. It was noted that Scott McGowan was on vacation and Tim Tipton was working.
Janice Jantz is in her third week as the clerk's helper, and both the mayor and Jantz seemed pleased with the process to date. The Avista franchise renewal was discussed last month and was read as Ordinance 498l which passed unanimously.
Jess Silhan, Code Compliance Coordinator, sent five new letters out regarding violations to ordinances 462 and 389. These ordinances pertain to prohibiting the storage of junk vehicles in the city and the city's definition of what constitutes a nuisance, respectively. Parties have 10 days to respond. If parties do not respond, the city sends a certified letter. The city is now awaiting responses from several certified letters. Presently Silhan is documenting RVs, trailers, boats and cars which are parked on city property. Discussion was held regarding where city property starts. It was defined as "sidewalk to sidewalk" belongs to the city. The vehicles Silhan is presently concerned with are not just temporary parking, but are long-term items, some with flat tires, many with no current license. The mayor stated that he and the council need to review Ordinance #236 and then put it into effect. This ordinance is entitled "An ordinance regulating the parking and occupying of recreational vehicles and trailers outside established areas."
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the funding for a "small water system plan." The city was informed that the Public Works Board is funding a loan of $34,500 for the city's Water System Plan. This is the first of three funding sources that the city needs in order to write a city water system plan. The other two sources would be grants. Council gave approval for Mayor Slack to go ahead as necessary to get a plan in place.
Discussion was held on the cemetery niche and section markers. Money was budgeted for the purchase of an addition to the niche, which was installed in 1998. The same company that installed the original turned in a bid for the addition. Section markers were not installed 10 or more years ago when they were obtained. They will need to be cleaned up prior to installation.
The city clerk and mayor had an exit conference with the State Auditor's Office on Aug. 6. They were very complimentary after the long process and did recommend the city get a software program. Council discussed the Bias Financial Software Package which has a $10,000 implementation fee, half to be paid now and the second half in January. It is a cloud-based system. Council had contacted clerks in Lincoln County and all seemed to give Bias a good review. The motion to sign up for Bias passed by a vote of 3-1, with Davenport opposing the expenditure.
The local scrap metal program is winding down. "The end of this service is near."
Council broke for an executive session for 10 minutes and returned and took up the matter of a salary for the assistant clerk rather than payment by the hour which, when calculated, comes to the original rate, probationary to the end of the year.
Council briefly discussed the 6-Year Street program and set the hearing date for the Sept. 11 meeting. The streets would be Second to the tracks and Fifth Street from Lincoln to Sherlock.
Council voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution 213, the 267-page Lincoln County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
It was announced that the State Library sent two new computers for the Harrington Library, and Stacy Rasmussen assisted the state with setting up the new machines.
MacClellan, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, wished to know the city's position on the potential sale by a vendor of CBD, the non-psychotropic medical portion of marijuana. The mayor referred her to the state's position, stating that the council does not get into whether something is "right or wrong," but rather whether it is "legal or not legal."
Normally, city council meetings are held at 7:30 p.m., but the time will be changed temporarily to 7 p.m. for the September and October meetings.
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