John F. Strohmaier, Judge
New Criminal Cases
Braeden V. Thorpe, 18, Newman Lake, is charged with three counts of harassment-threats to kill in connection with a Sept. 19 incident during a football game at Reardan High School.
Sergey Y. Ilin, 48, Spokane, is charged with two counts of second-degree assault in connection with an Aug. 31 incident on Interstate 90 in Lincoln County during which a motorist was allegedly threatened with a brandished firearm.
Bridgett L. Stearns, 29, Ford, is charged with possession of methamphetamine hydrochloride in connection with a July 23, 2018, incident in Reardan.
New Civil Cases
Alleging non-payment of $154,581.05 owed, US Bank Trust National Association seeks foreclosure of property owned by respondents Craig S. and Jill S. Lee (and Security Credit Services LLC, junior lienholder), at 44856 SR 25N, Davenport.
An appeal to Spokane County Superior Court of a Washington State Department of Licensing decision to revoke the driving privileges of Roderick K. Donald, of Grand Coulee, for one year was transferred at his request to Lincoln County.
Dan B. Johnson, Judge
Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.
Justin T. McDowell, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $450 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
Ana Lilia Acevedo Lopez, Kennewick, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $300 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
Zackory Troy Teter, Granite Falls, Wash., speeding (15 mph over limit), contested, found committed, $166 penalty.
Lazelda Foster, Electric City, fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), pleaded guilty, 20 days jail (credited as served), $300 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, no-contact in place.
Danielle Renee Peone, Wellpinit, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 5 days jail.
Marlie Lyman Rose, Harrington, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
David C. Trieschmann, Spokane, probation violation (driving under the influence and while license suspended), 30 days jail.
Beverly Rose Dunn, Wilbur, probation violation (physical control), 100 days jail.
Jeffrey Allen Thomas, Spokane, driving under the influence, 1 day jail, $1,300 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with rules and requirements of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device.
Ryan Wesley Olson, Wilbur, third-degree malicious mischief, second-degree criminal trespass (2 counts), first-degree criminal trespass, all dismissed.
Lincoln County Clerk
New filings: 34 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Lincoln County Treasurer
Steven C. and Mary Beth Gaub, Helena, Mont., to William A. and Angela B. Foster, Lakewood, Wash. – property at 45289 Hanson Harbor Road North, Wilbur (Lot 24, Hanson Harbor Subdivision), $275,000.
Garry T. Pfeffer (trustee, Garry Pfeffer Revocable Living Trust), Katy, Texas, to Garry T. Pfeffer, Katy, Texas – one-third interest in southwest quarter and portion of southeast quarter, Sec. 9, T26N, R32E and southeast quarter of Sec. 27, T27N, R33E, $0.
Stephen M. Holbrook, Yakima, Wash., to Jem Red Door Properties LLC, Harrington – property at 405 Marshall Street, Davenport (Lot 4, Blk. 2, Original Town, now City, of Davenport), $20,000.
John A. and Michelle Melgren, Odessa, to Jonathan and Anne M. Blair, Everson, Wash. – property at 3 West 1st Avenue, Odessa (Lot 1, Blk. 7, Original Town of Odessa), $69,500.
Jennifer Huffman, Davenport, to Peter G. and Dixie K. Knutson, Davenport – property at 915 Marshall Street, Davenport (Lots 1-2, Blk. 22, Timmon’s Second Addition to Town of Davenport), $196,000.
Gary L. and Bonnie M. Moore, Davenport, to James D. and Tessa L. Flowers, Davenport – property at 601 Twelfth Street, Davenport (Lots 1 and 2 and west half of Lot 3, Blk. 32, Timmon’s Second Addition to Town of Davenport), $227,000.
Jean Baker, Colbert, Wash., to Bonnie S. Erickson, Sandy, Ore., and Frank H. Day, Spokane Valley – portion of northwest quarter of Sec. 35, T26N, R39E, $0.
Rob and Sue Huss, Wenatchee, Wash., to Steven Anthony Johns, Wenatchee – Lot 2, Sand Flats Estates, $0.
L&C Dynasty Limited Partnership, Snoqualmie, Wash., to Scott H. Wollweber, Ford – portion of southwest quarter of Sec. 33, T27N, R39E, $20,000.
Jeffery J. Semprimoznik, Davenport, to Marjorie Peha, Almira – Lots 3, 6 and 11, Sec. 2, T24N, R32E, $0.
Chad E. and Dawn M. Shaver, Davenport, to Edwin L. and Dianne E. Forman (trustees, Edwin and Dianne Foreman Family Trust), Santee, Calif. – property at 37955 Jane Lane, Davenport (Tract H, Hillside Estates Phase 2 Short Plat), $82,000.
Wendy May (personal representative, estate of Gertrude E. McDonald), East Wenatchee, Wash., to Edmund Joseph Decato, Duvall, Wash. – property at 122 North 6th Street, Almira (Lots 1-6, Blk. 7, Original Town of Almira), $108,000.
Linda F. Ames, Sprague, to Douglas B. Davidson, Spokane – property at 304 West 1st Street, Sprague (Lots 7-8 and portion of Lot 6, Blk. 9, Town of Sprague), $45,500.
Shirley McLean (personal representative, estate of Gordon C. Peterson), Coulee City, to Double C Land and Livestock LLC, Ephrata, Wash. – property at 2621 Peterson Mende Road East, Odessa (all of Secs. 21 and 29, and portions of Secs. 20 and 28, all in T22N, R31E, $362,000.
John A. and Linda M. Wagner, Harrington, to Dennis and Rachel Zeigler, Harrington – property at 14891 Zeigler Lane North, Harrington (portion of northeast quarter of Sec. 21, T23N, R36E), $0.
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