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Students may not fail, but they can get incomplete grades

Pupils told to stay engaged or risk repeating same grade

DAVENPORT — Schools across the state are not closed down; classes have just moved online.

That’s part of the message Davenport schools officials hope parents understand. And while students can’t earn a failing grade in the final quarter of the year, they can earn an incomplete.

When Gov. Jay Inslee announced schools would not reopen for in-person education for the rest of the school year, he also announced students would not receive an “F” in the spring.

While many students and parents may believe that means summer vacation starts early this year, the local school district sent an email to parents clarifying that is not the case.

Inslee said in his announcement that students would be expected to stay engaged.

The email sent to parents goes into detail.

“The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction has mandated that ‘learning must continue,’” the letter says. “The only change is that a student cannot receive a failing grade. However, students who do not remain ‘engaged’ and check-out for 4th quarter can earn an incomplete.”

Students receiving an incomplete will not get credit for the class.

“Earning an ‘incomplete’ means the student did not remain ‘engaged’ or did not complete the class requirements to be awarded the credit for 4th quarter, and that they will have to make-up the work at some point to earn the credit,” the letter continues.

“The only thing an ‘incomplete’ does is protect the student’s GPA. Once the work is made up, the ‘incomplete’ is changed to a letter grade.”

The letter also notes that seniors must earn a grade to graduate.

Staying engaged requires connecting with teachers over email or online resources and completing assignments. The letter says options are available for students without internet.

Students who stay engaged will not see their grades drop from where they were when the closure occurred.

These rules only affect high school credit.

In “College in High School” classes through Eastern Washington University and Central Washington University, students can earn high school and college credits at the same time. Students who do not stay engaged in these classes will earn an incomplete in high school and could fail in college.

Likewise, students in these classes can see their college grades drop, even if they stay engaged.

Students in “Running Start” are graded by their colleges.

Younger students will be treated a little differently.

“Students in grades K–8 will be challenged to demonstrate effort and success in learning standards established by their teachers,” the email reads. “Students will move on to the next grade, unless by mutual agreement between parents/guardians and teachers they agree to repeat a grade, or a portion of learning missed.” 


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