DAVENPORT — The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office will not be issuing citations or fines for citizens who choose not to wear a face mask per Governor Inslee’s order on June 23. After nearly 100 days after the Covid-19 outbreaks began, Inslee said all Washingtonians must now wear a face mask when in a public space, both indoor and outdoor. Residents with respiratory problems, those who are deaf and children younger than 5 are not required to wear face masks. The order takes effect on Friday, June 26.
When asked about enforcement of the order, Inslee said, “We just think people will respond.”
However, the enforcement of an order often falls to officials at the local level.
Lincoln County Sheriff Wade Magers said he will not be asking his deputies to enforce the mask order.
“If there are those who feel wearing a mask is prudent, they are welcome to do so. But I do not have the time, the resources or the desire to enforce an order that disregards how people treat their own bodies,” Sheriff Magers said. “People have had the last three to four months to educate themselves about how the virus spreads and they are aware of the hazards. There are Constitutional issues with this order, and we do not have the time or the resources to enforce it.”
Sheriff Magers said he was surprised by the mask order, especially with other issues taking place in the state.
“The governor should spend some time focusing on what is going on in downtown Seattle and not in manufacturing a crisis,” Magers noted.
Health department weighs in
The Lincoln County Health Department said they “support” Governor Inslee’s order, but noted they are not a regulatory authority with the ability to issue citations.
“Issuing citations would fall to the Department of Labor and Industries to make sure that people are following the governor’s orders,” Lincoln County Community Health Director Jolene Erickson said. “Up until this point we have received complaints about unallowed gatherings or people failing to wear masks and we share those things with the sheriff.”
Erickson said Lincoln County Health is there to “advise and counsel” people about wearing masks.
“It is very easy to feel comfortable without a mask here in Lincoln County, but we do have to go to other counties and in those places, there can be increased risk. It is important to take precautions when we are in a place of potentially being exposed to the virus,” Erickson noted.
Lincoln County Health has worked to ensure people have access to masks by providing them to local food banks, emergency responders and healthcare providers, according to Erickson. She said the department is also able to help those who are having a hardship or difficulty to obtain masks.
In addition to wearing a mask, Erickson said she hopes people understand how important it is to care for their overall health.
“We want people to take care of themselves mentally, physically and spiritually. What has been happening the last several months can take a collective toll on a person that is just as big as a disease like Covid,” she related. “We need to stay connected with others, but we can do that while staying six feet apart and wearing a mask.”
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