July 2 Letter to the Editor
I was disheartened to learn of Lewis County Sheriff Rob Snaza’s dismissal of Gov. Jay Inslee’s order requiring facemasks. Heeding the advice of experts makes you wise, not a sheep.
I have family in Odessa, and I have visited many times. I grew up in Chehalis and am now a graduate student of University of Texas-Austin. I have studied how airborne particles move around and do important research on air quality and environmental health. It is my profession to learn about air quality, and with that, airborne disease transmission.
I respect the words and advice of experts (such as scientists, epidemiologists and yes, Dr. Anthony Fauci). It is a sign of humility and wisdom, when others know more than you, to defer to their expertise.
Due to the work of scientists and experts, facemasks are found to be very effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19, and as cases increase again officials are using that knowledge to save lives.
Please, listen to the experts and wear facemasks. Refrain from labeling public safety a partisan issue or dismissing the danger of COVID-19 because the governor’s political views differ from yours. Instead, protect the community around you. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 is important in Chehalis and Odessa, where the limited capacity of rural hospitals can easily be overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients.
By wearing facemasks, we will return to normal more quickly and with less loss of life. That is something we can all agree is a good thing.
Daniel C. Blomdahl
Austin, Texas
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