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Students will be on split schedule
DAVENPORT – Students attending the Davenport School District later this month will have a “phased start” that breaks the school day into two parts. Some students will attend during a morning session of 8:00am to 10:30 and others will attend in the afternoon from 12:15 to 2:45pm. Students will be taught in groups of 10 with one adult and groups will not commingle. The split schedule will be for Monday to Thursday with Fridays being a distance learning day.
Mandatory Coronavirus precautions mean students must wear masks and social distancing of six feet will be observed between desks. Daily health checks/temperature checks will be required for all students and staff.
Davenport School District Superintendent Jim Kowalkowski said the district hopes the initial staggered schedule will only have to be implemented for a few weeks until Covid infection numbers decrease.
“Right now the health district has reported that there have been 27 cases of Covid in Lincoln County, but 14 of those have been in the last 14 days so that jump in cases is concerning,” he said. “Once school starts we will be checking with the health department daily so we can update parents as to how long we will be on a split schedule.”
Kowalkowski said bussing will be available for students and although running additional busses for the split schedule may be expensive, it’s an option he feels the district needs to exercise.
“It is important for kids to get to school so we can connect them with a teacher,” he said. “If the split schedule has to be implemented longer than a few weeks and it is too expensive, we will figure out something else.It’s just too important.”
Food options available
The district does plan to provide breakfast and lunch for students, but it will be a “grab and go” option instead of a cafeteria lunch.
As district staff tries to establish a workable, in-person schedule for the start of school, Kowalkowski said the future is tied to Covid infection numbers.
“If the cases climb, the health department could do a remote only directive,” he noted.
The first day of school for the Davenport School District is Aug. 26.
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