Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Letters to the editor: Oct. 15 issue

Every Vote Counts

While the primary voter turnout was impressive at 64%, it’s also disturbing because that means over one-third of Lincoln County’s registered voters didn’t bother to take a few moments to exercise one of the most important and fundamental rights the United States of America offers its citizens. The vote is often viewed as our only way to decide who will lead us, and in which direction. In such a divided political climate, every vote is important and every vote counts.

The American Legion’s National Commander said in part, “Passing up the

opportunity to vote is a disservice to those who fought for that right

and the millions of people around the world who still yearn for a free


David Michaelson

– Harrington

Jeff Barkdull Endorsement

I would like to go on record supporting Jeff Barkdull for Lincoln County Superior Court Judge.

I met Jeff when I was a Guardian Ad Litem for Lincoln County Superior Court. Jeff had been appointed by the court to represent other parties in the case. Jeff impressed me with his honesty, integrity and desire to do what was best for the child. After that, I became the Victim/Witness Coordinator for he Prosecutor’s Office. Jeff eventually became the elected prosecutor for Lincoln County. Jeff was and had always been an advocate for victims of crimes and protecting their rights in criminal prosecutions. He has won 40-50 criminal trials and lost only three. He has also successfully defended the county in several civil cases.

Jeff has a home north of Davenport with acreage and is involved in the community, having served two consecutive terms as Lions Club President.

He is endorsed by all three county commissioners, Sheriff Wade Magers, Washington State Farm Bureau and numerous Lincoln County Citizens. In contrast, his opponent rents a residence in Davenport and has a law practice in Spokane. His opponent endorsements include one Lincoln County citizen.

I believe that the choice is clear that Jeff Barkdull is the obvious choice for Lincoln County Superior Court Judge.

Stan Reider

Davenport, WA


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