Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking back: Nov. 12 issue

November 9th, 1950

70 years ago


Member of 4-H clubs from throughout the county gathered at Reardan Saturday for their annual Achievement Day. Mrs. Hank Schmitt of Esoanola, leader of the Pots and Pans club, distributed pins to her group. Other club leaders were present including Esther Hmphrey, assistant leader, Bernadine Schmitt, Heidi Schmitt, secretary; Melcina Reilly, Shirley Ensor, Joyce Heldstab, club president; Winnie Lou Puls, vice president; Cherryl Jacobsen and Carol Lee Brommer. Lincoln County Extension Agent C. Ross Trout also joined the over 300 4-H members at the...


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