ODESSA – The Odessa Town Council met Monday evening and held one of the shortest meetings on record. Following a public hearing on the final budget proposal, at which no comments from the public were forthcoming, council members Landon Lobe, Vickie Iverson, Kelly Watkins and Marlene Kramer were called to order by Mayor Bill Crossley. Zoning inspector Bill Knerr was present via Zoom, The Record was represented by Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, and Meri Jane Bohn, town clerk, recorded the proceedings. The usual housekeeping matters were disposed of quickly. Only one correction to the prior meeting minutes was submitted regarding the waiver to be signed by walkers using the community center during the winter months. The waiver allows them to walk inside, but does not allow use of the community center restrooms. The public restroom across First Street in the public works building can be used instead.
With no old or new business on the agenda and no one present to provide police, fire or public works reports, the meeting was adjourned approximately six minutes after being called to order.
There will be only one council meeting next month, on Dec. 14, with adoption of the $3 million town budget on the agenda.
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