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Doxie's Diner open for in-person seating

Wilbur restaurant joins pushback

WILBUR – Doxie's Diner in Wilbur announced on Facebook this week that they are open for in-person seating, as well as providing takeout options. The restaurant is one of many businesses pushing back against Gov. Jay Inslee's ongoing mandate to close restaurants, gyms, bars and other establishments until Jan. 4.

Governor Inslee's closure order, which originally started in March 2020, is only 86 days away from its one year anniversary of forcing businesses to close, ordering the public to wear masks and insisting people "stay home to stay healthy" in light of the Coronavirus. Back in March, the closures were billed as a two week effort to "stop the spread." Governor Inslee has made the orders under his executive powers that, up until present, are not limited by approval from the legislature. Inslee has refused to call a special session to address how the coronavirus shutdowns are affecting the state's economy, including a $4 billion deficit to the state budget.

These conditions have small businesses fed up as they have ridden the rollercoaster of mandated closures, temporary periods of reopening followed by further restrictions.

Doxie's Diner owners said staying open despite the current order is a form of "peaceful protest."

"We are peacefully protesting these shutdowns," said Reanna Best, the granddaughter of the owners who works at the restaurant. "It is not fair when the big box stores can stay open and make money but we are forced to shut down."

Best said the diner is working to keep in-person seating at 25 percent capacity and notes staying open is about more than just money.

"It's important to our community to keep going. It helps keep everyone sane," she noted.

Other eateries, including Koko's in Kennewick, are taking a similar stance and seem to be addressing holes in the closure mandate.

According to news on the Franklin Connection website, the upscale eatery and martini bar at 4309 W. 27th Place, Suite 100, was cited, fined and threatened with license revocation by liquor agents demanding the business end indoor dining and drinking services.

During a settlement conference Monday, Dec. 14, Slovak said the liquor agent offered to reduce the business' fine from $500 to $300. However, owner Dana Slovak refused.

"We said we are not paying the fine and cite the violation," Slovak said.

The Liquor and Cannabis Board has yet to comment on the hearing.

Author Bio

Jamie Henneman, Editor

Jamie Henneman is and editor with Free Press Publishing. She is the editor of the Davenport Times, based in Davenport, Wash.


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