Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking back...Dec. 24 issue

Compiled by Georgia Smith of The Times


December 21, 1950


Santa comes to Davenport Friday, riding in a WWII REA Weasel track vehicle.

First stop will be the Christmas tree adjacent the city hall at 6:30 p.m., when candy treats will be presented the youngsters. A sleigh will follow, if there is snow, taking the children to the lot adjacent Huck’s transfer where hot cocoa will be served at 7 p.m.

The party is sponsored by the Davenport Active club under direction of a committee including Ernest Guhlke, Carl Temple and Oliver Barnes.


December 24TH, 1970


“This shall be a sign unto you” was a personal note of Christmas to the shepherds, the rural men of Bethlehem. The angels of heaven with a message of revelation to come was their sign. But, what about you and I? Are we blessed with signs of Christmas? Are you aware that the Christmas season is upon us? Let us scrape the snow off the windows of our cars and take a drive through the town.

Our eyes are dazzled by sparkling lights, decorated store fronts, and homes, beautiful trees sparkling with a star on top and bright lights flowing from branch to branch. There goes a load of carolers in a truck loaded with hay singing as if they were trying to fill the whole world with music. They are singing songs from “White Christmas” to “Silent Night”. Let’s stop for a moment and walk through the stores and see what the scene is there. Why, that big stack of toys the was there only two weeks ago is almost gone.

The mystery is revealed as you see people standing in line with a stuffed animal, slot car set, a box of candy, or other gadgets in their hands. The clerk checks the goods and receives the money and says Merry Christmas!

On the way home the school and church programs go through your mind. Is the choir ready? Do the kids know their pieces? Did I get presents for everyone on my list? How about the Christmas cards? Why all these thoughts? Perhaps this is a personal sign unto you that Christ was born. We can see the tinsel of Christmas, but what is the main object and purpose of Christmas?

The object is Christ. The purpose was to bring forth a Savior. Let us read these words from our Bible. “And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for behold, I bring to you good tidings and great joy, which shall be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” Luke 2:10-11

Yes, we are still heralding good tidings of great joy which shall be for all people if they take a few steps to visit the Christ of Christmas with their hearts. This is Christ’s birthday, and we want you to know that the gift that surround the tree are not as great as the inward gifts that Christ gives to you. If you are unhappy, request happiness; if you are worried, request peace; if you are lonely, request a friend, if you are weak, request strength. You have needs in your life and you will find the Christ of Christmas wants to hear your needs and he will supply the demand of your searching heart.

Perhaps you are saying, “What does Christ receive on His own birthday?” A good question, but everyone must answer that question by himself. Maybe it would be a good thing to give Christ a gift certificate of your life so he may use it any day, or everyday he chooses. Maybe you are not willing to pay this price. If you start today and you will find it is more blessed to give than receive.

Look again, the signs of Christmas are still present but, are you getting the message of Christmas?

Rev. R. J. Raygor

Pastor of the Assembly of God




A Davenport resident has placed second among Washington’s 1-4 year – old skiers, for the 1989-90 sky season.

Rache Bell received the rankings, award by Coca-Cola Jr. NASTAR (National Standard Race), because of her outstanding racing performance last year, according to NASTAR Commissioner Bob Beattie.

Skiing at Forty -Nine Degrees North in Chewelah, Bell posted a personal season- best handicap of 158. Coca-Cola Jr. NASTAR State Ranking are based on a skier’s best handicap is the season. A handicap percentage difference between a skier’s race time and the theoretical time of the fastest NASTAR racer, U.S. Ski Team member Bob, Ormsby. Bell’s handicap means she raced within 158 percent of Ormsby.


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