Finally! The last week of 2020. I’ve been looking forward to the end of this year almost from the beginning. I know it’s completely unrealistic, and probably tempting fate, but I can’t help but believe 2021 will be better. Now it is nearly here, and even though COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed and administered, it’s going to be a very long time before it will make a significant difference in the progress of the pandemic.
In the meantime, the latest batch of restrictions has been extended until the 4th of January. No social gatherings (so if you are planning one, please don’t tell me about it!) Outdoor gatherings are limited to 5 people (I don’t like any 4 people enough to gather outside with them at this time of year.) No meetings, no movies, no bowling. Darn. The last time I went bowling I hurt myself.
Now, I can deal with all those restrictions, because I’m basically a hermit at heart. Unfortunately, most people are not. The strain of having to stay socially distant as well as thoughtful about the safety of others has caused a lot of stress for some. I joke about “too much togetherness” quite often, but for some there really is such a thing. I’ve been worrying lately about the state of the food bank here in town, but today I learned that the food bank is in good shape, thanks to donations and grants.
There are other needs, however, that the OCMA (Odessa Community Ministerial Association) assists with. One of those might be providing a safe space for vulnerable people when all that “togetherness” turns into a bad situation. A friend put a bug in my ear that it might be helpful for donors to the OCMA to write “use as needed” on the memo line of their check.
Just saying.
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