For the Jan. 14
100 years ago
Jan. 14, 1921
Claude M. Chilson and Paul T. Bockmier have received permission from the city council to flood the portion of the street between the Finney Lumber company and the Great Northern tracks to make an ice rink for the benefit of the Odessa public. Water Superintendent Schoonover will run water each evening until there is a good coat of ice.
Odessa lumber dealers, the G.W. Finney Lumber company and the Standard people, have announced that they will swallow a loss and put down the price of lumber a drop of anywhere from eight to 25 dollars a thousand. H.C. Phillips says the wholesale price is now down to the actual cost of production, so there is little if any chance of a further decrease, so there will be little use in anyone contemplating building to put it off any longer.
75 years ago
Jan. 10, 1946
Six members of the Odessa Lions Club will attend the winter conference in Tacoma. Don R. King, president, will be a panel member. The others are Howard Iltz, Elmer Schafer, Henry Michaelson, Jr., Paul Schafer and Sol Zier.
Fire destroyed the Columbia River Milling company at Wilbur. The loss was estimated at $100,000. The blaze broke out in an upper story of the four-floor building.
The city council granted Theodore Finkbeiner, operator of Aero Dray Line, a license and renewed the temperance hallo license of J.B. Odell.
50 years ago
Jan. 14, 1971
Committee members and officers of the Odessa Community Golf Club met recently and set final plans for raising about $4,500 needed to continue operation of the golf course. Memberships and green’s fees pay for maintenance and operation, but interest and principal payments on the FHA loan have not been met. Therefore, the fund-raising event, said committee chair Cliff Holm.
Einfuehrung zum deutschen Fest: To non-natives of this area, that means “An introduction to a German Festival.” That is what the Odessa Chamber of Commerce will provide at the annual dinner and meeting. Buffet dining in a festive atmosphere with recorded music from the homeland will be provided, according to John Dupree, chair of the banquet committee. Members and the public wanting to attend were encouraged to wear native dress. Representatives of every organization in the community were encouraged to attend to get a preview of the 1971 fall festival.
25 years ago
Jan. 11, 1996
The newly formed Lincoln 4-Wheelers, a group of 4-wheeler enthusiasts from throughout Lincoln County, has proposed a mud derby as an event for Odessa’s Spring Fling. Marlon Schafer of Odessa and Charlie Colbert of Harrington appealed to the town council to block off a portion of north Birch Street and use a fire hydrant while the event is in progress. Schafer also proposed the idea to the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, which was receptive.
County commissioners have determined that the burned-out remains of the Lincoln County Courthouse are still structurally sound and can be restored. Commissioners Bill Graedel, Ted Hopkins and Deral Bolenius were to meet with architects and structural engineers to make preliminary plans for rebuilding.
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