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Davenport FBLA contributes to March of Dimes

DAVENPORT-- FBLA Week at Davenport High School was Feb. 1-4. Throughout the week, students had the opportunity to dress up including Suit Up, Activity/Club, and FBLA Colors (Red, White, and Blue).

The main focus of the week was to contribute to the National FBLA Philanthropy, March of Dimes. March of Dimes supports the health of all mothers and babies. March of Dimes funds research to improve the health care that mothers and babies receive. March of Dimes affects families at the local, state and national level. Throughout the week, students donated change and dollars to March of Dimes.

The DHS grade levels competed against one another for which grade level could donate the most money for March of Dimes by the last day of FBLA Week. Every day there was a considerable amount of growth of money that was donated. The sophomores made an outstanding impact on the amount of donations raised, with over $260 at the end of the week.

As a whole DHS raised over $700 in 4 days.

The sophomores received an FBLA decorated cookie, made by Carolyn's Cupcakery. DHS FBLA is very appreciative of the support, participation and donations from all students, staff and community members.


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