100 years ago
Mar. 4, 1921
Secretary C.E. Ivy, on his return to Davenport after attending a meeting of the Racing Association held at Walla Walla last week, announced that the dates set for the 29th annual picnic of the Lincoln and Adams counties pioneers at their picnic grounds on Crab Creek, would be held this year June 23-24-25.
The warm weather that has prevailed during the past week has set the baseball bug buzzing and as a result a baseball meeting has been called at the Kunkel barber shop next Monday night. Practically all of last year’s team, except Gillespie, who has left town have signified a willingness to try out for a place on the team this season. Play is expected to begin about April 1.
75 years ago
Feb. 14, 1946
A farming community that has changed over in a short span of years from use of horses in farming operations to use of power equipment was pictured by W.C. Raugust before the Odessa commercial club last week. The last horse outfit, used by Fred Schmidt, will be included in the Trading company auction next Thursday, he said. In the early days, as one string after another of horses were acquired in tractor trade-ins, it was the practice to sell these to private buyers. In one of these sales, the buyer refused to pay, and the horses had to be repossessed. To make a just settlement it was necessary to sue the buyer, then auction off the animals to satisfy the judgment. The animals brought a good price, and the auction tradition was started. Nearly 6,000 horses have been handled by the company, with the top sale last year when 360 head of horses were sold. Early day farmers, with their horse-drawn outfits, once hauled a million bushels to Odessa warehouses in one year. Farmers would drive long strings of horses pulling as many as three wagons. Raugust invited his listeners to attend the auction next Tuesday, which would be about the last horse sale in this community.
50 years ago
Mar. 4, 1971.
The Tiger basketball team took fourth place at the Northeast District basketball tournament at Spokane Falls Community College. Reardan was first, Curlew second and St. Georges third. All four teams were to compete in the State B Tournament in Spokane this week, with the Tigers facing Asotin in the first round of play. School was dismissed for the rest of the week so that students could attend the tournament.
25 years ago
Mar. 7, 1996
Late season heavy snow blanketed the area with six to eight inches of the white stuff Monday and Tuesday. Strong winds during and after the snowfall caused some drifting on country roads, and school opening was two hours late on Tuesday. Buses required chains to get through some routes. Much of the snow had melted by Tuesday afternoon and the sun was out again, although snow flurries were forecast for the rest of the week.
A sausage cook-off will be held during Spring Fling. Amateur sausage makers were to present their products to be tasted and judged by local citizens. Professional sausage makers were not included in the contest.
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