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School board holds final meeting of 2021

ODESSA – The Odessa school board met for a workshop in the district office on Dec. 16 to discuss the superintendent and staffing considerations, then adjourned to the high school library for its regular monthly meeting. Present were Ed Deife, board chair; board members Janie Steward, Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley and Carmen Weishaar; Superintendent Dan Read; Principal Jamie Nelson; Asst. Business Mgr. Staci Claassen and Operations Supervisor Justin Parr. Richard Rohlman was also present via ZOOM.

Board assignments for the new year were voted on with Ed Deife selected as board chair once again, Heather Valverde as vice-chair, Ed Deife as legislative representative and as WIAA rep. Deife then appointed board members to serve on the following committees:

Facilities – Deife and Weishaar

Curriculum – Steward and Weishaar

Negotiations – Valverde and Crossley

Consent agenda

The board approved the consent agenda, including the minutes of the Nov. 23 regular board meeting; payroll warrants Payroll warrants #614187-614205 and direct deposit warrants #900008740-900008802 for $316,003.02; general fund A/P warrants #614206-614239 for $83,558.12; ASB Fund A/P warrants #614240-614252, $7,404.19; Trust and Agency Fund A/P warrant #614253, $500.00 and a general fund comp tax wire transfer for $297.97.

Superintendent’s Report

Read shared the most recent count of 214.92 full-time equivalent students. He discussed Lincoln County’s positive Covid cases which were only 10 in the past 14 days and said that the school currently does not have any positive cases or quarantines to report.

Principal’s Report

Principal Nelson reported students in grades K-4 sang and the high school band performed at Christmas Fest on Dec. 1. The annual Christmas concert was held the evening of Dec. 15. Fourth grade completed its annual marble race. The winning team with the slowest time of 8.67 seconds was composed of Katherine Roberson, Sylest Hale and Alexis Peifer. Nelson also reported the high school science classes are designing and constructing lever gadgets, with a marble rolling through a series of levers.

Nelson said the Pep Club decorated doors to classrooms and offices within the school and is hosting an Ugly Sweater contest. FBLA is busy with Lead 4 Change Operation December to Remember, which includes lighting up the hospital for the residents, a senior citizen Christmas party and a toy drive for Odessa children in need. National Honor Society, together with the Odessa Food Bank, delivered Christmas Food Baskets to Odessa families. Christmas parties were held Friday for each grade.

The elementary students surprised Mikey Galloway with cards, banners and a cake for her retirement as assistant cook in the cafeteria.

Legislative Report

Read told the board that the legislative session will begin on January 10, 2022. The board will continue to discuss the progress of the legislative priorities over the next few months.

Facilities Report

Justin Parr says he is still working with Control Solutions Northwest to resolve issues with the new heating control system. Final payment will be made when the issues are resolved.

Parr also reported that bus driver Jeanie Campbell will retire at the end of December and expressed appreciation for her years of service. Mark Sebesta will begin working full time as custodial/maintenance employee at the start of the new year. Parr said recent Washington State Patrol inspections went well.

Financial Report

Superintendent Read presented the ASB balance sheet for November, as well as financial activity reports for the general fund for November showing an unassigned fund balance of $843,658.52.


The board approved a motion to accept a $3,000 donation from the Edmund and Darlene Braune Family Foundation.

Next Regular Meeting

The next regular board meeting will be held Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 6p.m. in the high school library, with a workshop scheduled for 5:30 p.m. before the regular meeting.


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