DAVENPORT--On Feb. 3, 25 members of the Davenport FBLA chapter competed in person at the Northeast Region FBLA Winter Business Leadership Conference. Members competed in a variety of events including, but not limited to: Accounting, Website Design, Parliamentary Procedure, Public Speaking and Personal Finance.
The following is a list of winners who will move on to compete at the FBLA State Business Leadership Conference:
Zackary Bruce - Data Analysis - 1st place
Selah Hupp & Tessa Cormier - Public Service Announcement - 1st place
Evan Gunning & Jason Schillinger - Public Service Announcement - 4th place
Libby Swiger & Cady Zellmer - Graphic Design - 3rd place
Thomas & Jacob Furman - Publication Design - 6th place
Samantha Odenrider – Intro to Public Speaking - 3rd place
Jesse Raugust - Job Interview - 5th place
Grayson Danekas - Job Interview - 3rd place
Ryan Utley - Website Design - 3rd place
Zackary Bruce - Accounting 1 - 4th place
Ryan Utley - E Business - 1st place
Katelyn Bell - Accounting 2 - 2nd place
Lexi Cormier - Accounting 2 - 3rd place
Tate Foster-Nonnemacher - Agribusiness - 5th place
Cody Jenkins - Healthcare Administration - 3rd place
Zackary Bruce - Human Resource Management - 3rd place
Grayson Danekas - Insurance & Risk Management - 3rd place
Emma Cormier - Intro to Business Communications - 3rd place
Selah Hupp - Intro to Business Communications - 6th place
Chase Zellmer - Intro to Business Procedure - 3rd place
Samantha Odenrider - Intro to Information Technology - 6th place
Jacob Furman - Intro to Parliamentary Procedure - 1st place
Samantha Odenrider - Intro to Parliamentary Procedure - 2nd place
Thomas Furman - Intro to Parliamentary Procedure - 5th place
Lexi Cormier - Organizational Leadership - 3rd place
Cody Jenkins - Political Science - 2nd place
Cody Jenkins - Personal Finance - 1st place
Tate Foster-Nonnemacher, Zachary Lenocker, Cady Zellmer, Libby Swiger, Cody Jenkins - Parliamentary Procedure - 1st place
Grayson Danekas - Securities & Investments - 2nd place
Selah Hupp - Intro to FBLA - 3rd place
Thomas Furman - Intro to FBLA - 4th place
In addition, the following are competing at the FBLA State Business Leadership Conference with other projects:
Local Chapter Annual Business Report - Navia Bowdish, Kylee Buchanan and Allison Jorden
Partnership with Business - Emma Cormier, Lexi Cormier and Jesse Raugust
Business Plan - Katelyn Bell, Selah Hupp and Samantha Odenrider
Business Financial Plan - Zackary Bruce and Grayson Danekas
The FBLA State Business Leadership Conference will be held in-person in Spokane, April 20 -23. Members will have the opportunity to compete at the National Business Leadership Conference that will be held in Chicago, Illinois, if they place in the top four at the State Conference.
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