Community members gather to sing at historic Rocklyn Zion Chapel
ROCKLYN – Many community members convened at the historic Rocklyn Zion Chapel Sunday, April 10, for a "Hymn Sing" after the long cessation due to COVID-19.
Many came early to visit and enjoy the prelude music by Linda Zellmer. All the pews were filled along with extra chairs before the 3 p.m. "Welcome" by Judy Mielke, who had flown in from Arizona for this event.
An opening prayer was offered by Pastor Kim Kruger.
Each of these three performers had ancestors prominent in the founding of the original Zion German Methodist Church.
The first special was "Christ, der Herr, vom Tod erstand" or "Christ the Lord is Risen Today, sung by the local German Quartet (Dillon Haas, Kim Kruger, Robert Mielke and Scott Miller). They were accompanied by Linda Zellmer.
The second special was "Fur Elise" by Jaden Flowers, a youth playing the pump organ who made the performance seem a simple task.
The "Hymn Picks" consisted of the audience calling out their favorite hymn numbers and the congregation singing, led by Janice Kruger and Robert Mielke, with Linda Zellmer at the piano.
The first 12 hymns were: "His Name is Wonderful", "What Child is This", "We are One in the Spirit", "Higher Ground", "Blessed Redeemer", "Be Thou My Vision", "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty", "I'd Rather Have Jesus", "Rock of Ages", "Great is Thy Faithfulness", "Day by Day" and "It is No Secret".
Steve Boutwell sang "The Night Old Jack Daniels Met John 3:16". He spoke briefly of how the song described his transition to Calvary's tree. He could be heard during the Hymn Picks playing his harmonica.
Three board members, Dee Kern, Paulette Meldahl and Carolyn Wesselius, spoke briefly on a Restoration Grant from the Washington State Historical Society. It is a 2-1 matching funds grant which will be used for repairs to the rock foundation and exterior painting.
Dillon Haas and Carolyn Moldrem performed a duet of "Ah Holy Jesus" in acapella.
A brass plaque for the stained-glass windows, which were donated in 2007 by Gretchen Borck, was presented and will be placed inside at the windows.
Another session of hymn picks included "Let There Be Peace on Earth", "Jesus Christ is Risen Today", "Christ Arose", "Blessed Assurance", "I Know That My Redeemer Lives", "Oh Soul Are You Weary and Troubled", "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus", "All Creatures of Our God and King", "Children of the Heavenly Father", "Because He Lives", "Victory in Jesus", "Jesus Loves Me", and "How Great Thou Art".
The group sang the traditional benediction, and everyone was invited to gather afterward for refreshments and fellowship.
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