HARRINGTON–City council discussed several upgrades that are needed in Town Square at its April 13 regular meeting.
Cindy Haase gave an update on the town square project. They were able to obtain another grant under the chamber’s guise, but not as the chamber. The grant was for $6,200.
The Town Square Committee will put off the sidewalk concreting as they try to get the remainder of the project completed.
Jay Gossett will be attempting to contact a company to obtain donations for the sand and gravel. The sand and gravel need to be laid down before the brick path can be completed. The repairs will be happening in Town Square.
For longevity purposes concrete will be placed by the bathrooms in town square instead of brick.
Kaiser’s contract was completed. Benches that were sponsored have been ordered. Light poles that are going up have been purchased.
A gentleman is interested in leasing the building next to City Hall and the library. The lease would allow council to have meetings outside the library space in a better location, members said. No other developments were mentioned.
Additions to the agenda included spraying weeds, wind damage, sidewalks and the status of mandatory training. The council unanimously voted to amend the agenda.
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