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Dianne Marie (Caldwell) Michaelson | David Michaelson

Feb. 2, 44 - July 12, 2022 | April 30, 1943 - July 31, 2022

David was born April 30, 1943 in southern Calif. Dianne was born Feb. 2, 1944 in southern Calif.

Dave & Dianne met in 8th grade and were best of friends. They went their separate ways after high school, only to reconnect a few years later. They fell in love and tied the knot on March 5, 1967. Their son Landon came along in 1969 and daughter Elaina in 1971.

David joined US Navy at 18 years old, served from 1963-1968 repairing submarines. He achieved the rank of Patternmaker Second Class (E5). He had many professions over the years; cabinet & furniture maker, motorcycle trailer manufacturer, high school volleyball coach, kitchen manager, and restaurant owner. Dad suffered a heart attack in 2002, forcing him to slow down – which he hated. In his “retirement”, he wrote several books, cooked for the Harrington Senior Center, tinkered in his shop, became a member of the Patriot Guard, umpired softball and baseball games, all while taking care of his wife.

Dianne attended Kinman Business School in Spokane and held many professions as well, including switchboard operator, waitress, fruit warehouse, medical transcriptionist, and co-owner of restaurant. She loved gardening and crafting. It was her delight to share her flowers, tomatoes and hand-made creations with those around her. She had a life-altering stroke in 2007, paralyzing her left side, which caused her to be wheelchair bound. For many years, her doting husband cared for her by himself. Then they received a gift in Stacy, who was her in-home caregiver for many years and became part of the family. After Dianne went into a nursing home, Stacy kept an eye on David and his cat right up to the end.

Dianne passed away July 12, 2022, and David passed July 31, 2022, just 19 days after his bride of 55 years. Theirs was a love-story to be admired and celebrated. They are deeply loved by their family, and will be missed. They are survived by their two children and four grandchildren, and one sister, MM. The family has plans for a dual memorial service, where David will receive military honors, followed by a dove release for Dianne. They will share a niche at the Medical Lake Veterans Cemetery. It will be marked with “High School Sweethearts”.

David will always be remembered for his humorous story-telling, his brilliant mind, his love for this country, and his devotion to his wife. Dianne will always be remembered for her kindness, for her giving spirit, for never complaining, and for her adoration of her husband.


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