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Is my county road getting fixed?

Public Works talks six-year road improvement plan

DAVENPORT—The annual public meeting between representatives from the Lincoln County Public Works Department, Lincoln County Commissioners and members of the public to discuss the county’s six-year transportation improvement program played a familiar tune: Some projects are funded, many aren’t, and the majority of citizens present wanted to know when Hawk Creek Road will be paved.

Though funding hasn’t been obtained, some improvements to that road are amongst the 26 projects presented Monday, Dec. 5.

Projects already funded include resurfacing and improving the first three of Miles-Creston Road from Highway 2 east, continuing down Miles-Creston Road to milepost 4.66 for more improvements and investing $1,825,230 in federal funds to seal coat various roads countywide.

Other funded projects include Duck Lake Road from milepost 20.30 to 23.30, replacing Gerald Zellmer Bridge, replacing Geib Bridge and rehabilitating Blenz Bridge.

19 roads are on the county’s list to improve or repave but haven’t received the necessary funding. They include:

Applying surface treatment on Hawk Creek Road from milepost 3.5 to 6.3.

Applying surface treatment on Hawk Creek Road from milepost 6.3 to 9.1.

Overlaying Hawk Creek Road from milepost 2.09 to 3.5.

Improving Duck Lake Road from milepost 18.71 to 20.3.

Improving Level Road from milepost 0 to 1.97.

Improving Hanson Harbor Road from mileposts 2.01 and 7.73 to 6.43 to 11.41.

Overlaying Little Falls Road from milepost 0 to 2.47.

Overlaying Porcupine Bay Road from milepost 0 to 2.89.

Replacing Mohler Road from milepost 1.2 to 1.24.

Improving Riffe Road from milepost 2.79 to 5.81.

Improving Mountview Road from milepost 0 to 2.5.

Mitigating rockfall on Porcupine Bay Road from milepost 1.89 to 2.06.

Safety enhancements and improvements countywide.

Preservation and maintenance work countywide.

Improving Sprague Highway from milepost 9.58 to 15.12.

Overlaying Waukon Road from milepost 11.04 to 14.08.

Improving Hawk Creek Road from milepost 9.10 to 10.6.

Improving Kiner Road from milepost 2.95 to 8.8.

Improving Kiner Road from milepost 16.59 to 20.29.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

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Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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