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Birthdays & Anniversaries

Davenport birthdays

Jan. 6: Jarod Gunning, Jim Starr, Hayley Gill

Jan. 7: Tanya Scharff, Collette Paul, Kristi Abbott, Ray Dashiell, Nina Fisk, Barbara Vincent O’Connor

Jan. 8: Jennifer Hargrave, Bill Katz †

Jan. 9: Dani Vesneske, Steve Telecky, Brayden Bailey, Tony Hein, Arlene Stromberger, Susan Alspach

Jan. 10: Barbara Ensor

Jan. 11: Leslie Oliver, Morgan Morcom

Jan. 12: Cathy Sawyer, Lorie Leath

Davenport anniversaries

Jan. 9: Troy and Andrea Morgan

Jan. 11: George and Marilyn Arland

Reardan birthdays

Jan. 7: Tammy Booker

Jan. 9: Aspen Michels

Jan. 10: Eric Merkel, Deanna Wagner, Buddi Williams

Jan. 12: Summer Supinger

Harrington birthdays

Jan. 7: Peg Matthews, Dustin Johnson

Jan. 9: Courtney Strozyk, Hudson Floyd

Jan. 10: Quincy Sanders

Jan. 11: Kellie Tanke

Jan. 12: Damian Putney

Odessa birthdays

Jan. 9: Addilyn Fink, Don Sheldon

Jan. 10: Thorsen Wehr

Jan. 11: Michel Gimmestead

Jan. 12: Joel Mallory

Deceased = †


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