Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking back…Odessa edition


100 years ago

Feb. 22, 1923

The weather has modified so that it now looks like spring and everyone seems satisfied. The thermometer has ranged between four and 28 above all the past week at maximum and minimum temperatures. The snow has been melting slowly and now it looks like it is half gone, without any water running.

Henry Horst Sr., a retired wheat raiser who for a number of years past has made Odessa his home, brought back from his trip to Colorado last week a bride. Mrs. Horst was formerly Mrs.Katherine Foos, and they were married at Windson, Colorado, on Monday, February 12, by a congressional minister, Rev. Stahl.

75 Years ago

Feb 19, 1948

The city council Monday adopted a new scale of tanks for gasoline storage, permitting the installation of tanks up to 1,000 gallons- in size, not more than four, to each service station premise, non-connected and each with its own separate pump.

Following this action, the application of Paul Mayer for constructing a service station here was granted.

The 1948 Agriculture Conservation program is underway.

“It’s time for farmers to line up the conservation practices to be carried out during 1948,” says Rudolph Geib, chairman of the Agriculture Conservation Committee.

The launching of the 1948 ACP is of significant importance to the folks who live in town and farmers in Lincoln County, says Mr. Geib.

50 Years ago

Feb. 22 1973.

Playoffs began last night for seeding to the Northeast District Class B tournament which will be held at Spokane Community College February 28- March 3.

Odessa was dropped from the playoffs in losing two games to the Wilbur Redskins over the week end. Score at Wilbur Friday night was 58-53 for the host team. Score in the play off at Davenport Saturday night was Wilbur 56 and Odessa 48.

25 Years ago

Feb. 19, 1998

A steady decline in in the grain market last harvest has had a direct effect on sales of the Odessa Trading Company, but even so, the firm showed a profit and increased working capital by $314, 000 without long term debt during the year ended October, 31, 1997.

Members of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously Tuesday to retain officers and directors for another year, all the present officers agreed to stay on,

“I think it gives better continuity,” said President John Stein. “It takes nearly one term to get acquainted with the duties involved in a chamber position.”

10 years ago

Feb. 21, 2013

On February 12, two seniors from Odessa High School, accompanied by OHS Principal Ken Schutz, traveled to Olympia in hopes of testifying before state representatives on House Bill 1412 before the House Education Committee. Kendall Todd and Koralynne Kuch made the trip and after an hour and a half wait were called to speak.


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