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Historical Society also receives grants
ODESSA — The Old Town Hall Spring Fling rummage sale the last weekend of April raised $2,956 for Hall improvements.
Recent additions to the Hall include a sound system with a grant from the Healthcare Foundation. Noise absorption panels will be added to the south hall to reduce the echo with a grant from Avista.
Recent crack repair and painting of the exterior was funded in part from a $2,000 grant from the George and Dorothy Gies Foundation. Replacing the basement door where the fire truck was originally stored, replacing the front overhang roofing and sign, retiling and creating a new entrance way in the foyer are other projects being planned.
The Old Town Hall committee meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month in the hall and the public is welcome to join. Monetary donations can be sent to Faye King, 16790 E King Ranch Road, Odessa, 99159.
The Odessa Historical Society has received several grants from the George and Dorothy Gies Foundation, most recently for $4531.54, which along with other patron donations will be used to start a building fund for displays and capital improvements. The OHS is considering building a replica of Odessa’s first school building to occupy the area south of the main museum.
The building would be used for additional display space, particularly school memorabilia. Donations for this project can be mailed to Judy Scrupps, 2941 N King Ranch Road, Odessa, 99159.
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