Harrington City Council - Seat No. 5
Age: 81
Experience: Retired, formerly with Lincoln County Road Dept.
Volunteer: I've been chairman of the board at the Harrington Golf Course and president of two labor unions. I ran for Lincoln County Commissioner in the early 1990s after retiring from the county road department.
Family: Married with two adult children
Answer each of the following questions in 100 words or less. Longer answers will be cut off at the word limit, regardless of whether it is complete.
Question 1: What is the biggest issue currently facing the city? Why is that the biggest issue?
I haven't really given that a whole lot of thought. I would say the idea of being a small town, the life here is a whole lot different in the bigger cities. But I don't really have any way of responding to that right now.
Question 2: Is the current city council effectively leading the city in a positive direction? How would you enhance that perceived positive direction or correct a perceived negative direction?
As far as I know. The current mayor, I think he's doing a good job. He worked up on the golf course for a while and I have a little duty where I pick up the garbage, so we got to know each other pretty well. I think the city is moving in the the right direction.
Question 3: Do you support or oppose growth and future builds in the city? Why do you hold this position? What restrictions should future builds have, if any?
Depending on the circumstances I would probably support it. There's only two ways to go You either grow or you die. A business of some kind here, the right one would be fine. I've got nothing against housing.
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