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Budget update: Reardan-Edwall School District

REARDAN — The school board approved the 2023-24 district budget at its regular meeting Wednesday, July 26. Funds were budgeted based on a projected enrollment of 736 students, 51.031 certificated employees and 44.501 classified employees.

The district is budgeting for $13,533,924 in total revenues and $13,547,208. The slight budget gap created would be filled by reducing beginning fund balance of $2,850,000 to $2,436,716 in the ending fund balance.

Expenditures filtered by program groups include:

• $6,330,603 for regular instruction

• $709,847 for federal special purpose funding

• $1,186,272 for special education instruction

• $572,166 for vocational instruction

• $940,197 for compensatory education

• $21,500 for other instructional programs

• $3,786,623 for support services

Expenditures filtered by activity groups include:

• $7,217,037 for teaching activities

• $1,692,632 for teaching support

• $2,935,569 for other supportive activities

• $479,053 for building administration

• $1,222,917 for central administration

Expenditures filtered by objects include:

• $4,386,925 for certificated salaries

• $2,395,796 for classified salaries

• $2,820,943 for employee benefits and payroll taxes

• $1,541,429 for supplies, instructional resources and noncapitalized items

• $2,110,384 for purchased services

• $56,151 for travel

• $235,580 for capital outlay

Revenue sources are budgeted for the following:

• $1,390,817 from local property taxes

• $384,471 in local nontax support

• $7,346,073 in general purpose state funds

• $2,526,859 in special purpose state funds

• $1,860,704 in special purpose federal funds

• $25,000 in revenue from other entities

Local support outside property taxes include:

• $24,971 in tuition and fees

• $4,000 in childcare tuition and fees

• $25,000 in sales of goods, supplies and service

• $86,000 in sales of school food services

• $100,000 in gifts and donations

• $19,500 in fines and damages

• $80,000 in insurance recoveries

• $45,000 in unassigned local support

Special purpose state funds are assigned to the following funds:

• $886,876 for special education

• $218,799 for learning assistance

• $441,011 for special and pilot programs

• $14,903 for transitional bilingual programs

• $22,025 for Highly Capable programs

• $9,940 for food services

• $932,805 for transportation services

• $500 in unassigned state funding

Special purpose federal funds are assigned from the following sources:

• $50,000 in ESSER III funds

• $400,000 in ESSER III learning loss funds

• $241,500 in CARES act funds

• $177,000 for supplemental special education

• $16,204 for secondary vocational education

• $275,000 for ESEA disadvantaged

• $55,000 for school improvements

• $325,000 for food services

• $32,000 for ESEA school improvement grants

• $77,000 in unassigned federal grants

Full copies of the budget are available by records request with the district office.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

Author photo

Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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