Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

Davenport farmer W.H. Peart was arrested by Sheriff F.J. Gilpatric for having the wrong license on his car. Peart was slapped with a $15 fine.

• Senator Charles E. Myers held rallies for his Congressional campaign in Davenport, Wenatchee, Omak and Okanogan.

Davenport city council heard a report that paving Morgan Street would cost the city $24,518.80.

75 years ago

• 60,000 bushels of grain set for a ground shipment out of Lincoln County were halted due to a government embargo on wheat for export.

Reardan superintendent Lewis McKay announced schools would “definitely” open Sept. 7.

• A passing freight train sparked a small pasture fire in Bill Buck’s Rocklyn fields.

50 years ago

• Thelma Williams hosted bridge club in Edwall.

• Sheriff Don Forbush spoke with the Reardan Chamber of Commerce about his hopes of contracting with local cities for law enforcement.

• John Evavold was hired to teach social studies, English and art at Harrington High School, while Elaine Sanders was hired to teach elementary schoolers.

25 years ago

• Davenport’s Lois Mecklenburg marked 40 years as the Lincoln County Fair’s Junior Department superintendent.

• A lightning caused fire blackened 70 acres of grass and timber west of Porcupine Bay.

• Hunter education courses were offered in Sprague.

10 years ago

• An Amber Alert was used to help locate a 15-year-old girl that ran away from home to Chelan County.

• Spokane’s VA Medical Center was renamed to memorialize Reardan war hero Joe E. Mann and Spokane native platoon Sgt. Bruce A. Grandstaff.

• Organizers prepared for the Lincoln County Fair, which included rodeo announcer Lee Daggett, fair/rodeo queen Bailey Wiedmer and a teenager dance with Steve Brewster.


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