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Candidate for Harrington City Council: Kelly Foreman

Harrington City Council Seat No. 5

Age: 54


Day Job: Process Improvement Associate at Engie Insight

Relevent or Volunteer Experience: I have 18 years experience in Expense and Data Management, specializing in auditing, expense management and sustainability. I enjoy volunteering, in the past I have volunteered with the Smithsonian and Habitat for Humanity. I currently volunteer with the Harrington Food Bank and I am a board member with the Washington State Quilters Guild.

Profile questions (please respond in 100 words or less per answer):

Question 1: How should the city balance potential growth and builds with maintaining a small-town feel that many citizens desire?

I don't want Harrington to lose the cozy small town feel, but if we don't grow we will stagnate and die. The growth needs to be managed, all new construction or businesses within city limits should present the council with a prospectus and an impact statement. So we can discover how their business/construction will impact the small town we all love?

With the increase in the ability to work from home, and the newer high speed internet Harrington is getting, there will be more families who want the safe small town environment to raise their children.

Question 2: Please describe the importance of fiscal responsibility to you and how that would translate to your work and opinions as a city councilperson.

Just like a person or a household, we have to work within the boundaries of our budget. We can't spend more money than we make. Services provided and the current rates being charged for those services will need to be reviewed and may need to be increased, or the service, if underutilized, phased out.

Question 3: How would you assess the current level of civic engagement by Harrington's citizens? How could the city facilitate improvement in this area?

I think like most towns it's a mix of "involvement levels" people have to prioritize where and to what project they are willing and able to give their time. I know people who are involved with the school, or the opera house, or the foodbank or the historical society or their church. For such a small town there is quite a bit of community involvement, we are just spread across several projects. I also think that there should be more proactive communication to the community about the projects we have where time can be best spent at any given time.


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