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Candidate for Harrington School Board: Britney Wagner

Harrington School Board Seat No. 1

Age: 38

Family: Lance, Grant (8), and Allie (6)

Day Job: Stay-at-Home-Mom and Harrington Substitute Teacher

Relevent or Volunteer Experience: Harrington Athletic Booster Club Treasurer, Lincoln County Youth Soccer League Administrative Director, Harrington Flag Football Coordinator, PSI Volunteer, Harrington Elementary Classroom and Reading Group Volunteer.

Profile questions (please respond in 100 words or less per answer):

Question 1: For the past two years, Harrington has entered a co-op with Lind-Ritzville for athletics. Did the school board make the correct decision when approving that move? Should that co-op be continued in the future?

Yes, they did! When the school board voted, I was the only community member who spoke in favor of this decision. At the time, there were no other options. Students were missing out. Sports can be an important part of development. Children can learn many lifelong values. For some, sports can be an outlet that will encourage their education in the classroom. I would love to be able to look for a closer option, but right now this is our best option.

Question 2: The school district saw a sharp decline in enrollment from last year to this year. Is this concerning to you? What would you attribute the decline to, and what measures, if any, could the school board take to address this trend?

It is very concerning and should be. There are many reasons students seem to be leaving, such as growing frustrations with discipline in the classroom and current school leadership, and seeking different academic and sports opportunities. Students should feel safe in their school environment, and a distraction free classroom would boost student learning. I do feel that the school board could have an effect on holding students and leaders accountable for their actions.

Question 3: State-mandated sexual education has been a topic of debate on the Harrington School Board in the past year. Is the current state model of sex ed age-appropriate? Why or why not?

I do not feel the current state model is age appropriate, but districts are able to make changes. Harrington's school nurse went through the curriculum last spring and made age-appropriate changes that I feel are a better fit for our school-aged children. I spoke with her, at length, to get a full feel of what each age group would be taught. She also encourages students to speak with their families about these topics. And, as always, parents do have the right to review all content and opt out of any classes.


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