Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Candidate for Harrington School Board: Darren Mattozzi

Age: 44

Family: Wife and 3 daughters

Day Job: Prevention Director - NEWESD 101 & RESD

Relevent or Volunteer Experience: School Board member for 12 years. Innovia Foundation Leadership Council for Lincoln & Adams County, Community Mobilization Advisory Council, as well as many other leadership and volunteer positions with multiple community partners.

Profile questions (please respond in 100 words or less per answer):

Question 1: For the past two years, Harrington has entered a co-op with Lind-Ritzville for athletics. Did the school board make the correct decision when approving that move? Should that co-op be continued in the future?

I am still a firm believer in the Panther Athletics program that we had. That being said, I have a daughter that is thriving in the current co-op. My only current concern is the time students spend on busses, as well as waiting for athletes from multiple sports before they can head home.

Question 2: The school district saw a sharp decline in enrollment from last year to this year. Is this concerning to you? What would you attribute the decline to, and what measures, if any, could the school board take to address this trend?

Most districts in our area have experienced a decline in enrollment. Like most years, our numbers ebb and flow so I am not overly concerned. The School Board along with administration, are reviewing this issue and working to identify contributing variables and strategies to sustain and increase enrollment.

Question 3: State-mandated sexual education has been a topic of debate on the Harrington School Board in the past year. Is the current state model of sex ed age-appropriate? Why or why not?

We are working with what state mandates and our school nurse is doing a great job! The material being taught has not changed drastically from year to year. I encourage parents to have a conversation with our nurse vs. believing everything they read on social media or misinformation that is spread.


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