Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Candidate for Mayor of Davenport: Brad Sweet

Age: 41

Family: Single, lots of family in Lincoln County

Day Job: 911 Coordinator, Lincoln County Sheriff's Office

Relevent or Volunteer Experience: Davenport City Council, Davenport School Board, Lincoln County Fair Board, Gorilla Booster Board

Profile questions (please respond in 100 words or less per answer):

Question 1:Do you want to hold the office of Mayor, and would you stay committed to that role?

I have served as Davenport's mayor for the last 8 years. I have always been committed to the citizens of Davenport in this role, as well as the many volunteer positions I have held. I will continue to be committed to the citizens of Davenport.

Question 2: What is an appropriate level of growth for the city, in your opinion?

Continuing with the same level of growth that the city has had in the past would be good. We need to have opportunities for our citizens and future citizens. However we also need to be able to prepare for the infrastructure for the growth as well. Too fast of growth and the city may not be able to provide the services needed for everyone.

Question 3: How would you assess the city's handling of repeated issues at the Municipal Airport? What was handled appropriately? What should have been handled differently?

Unfortunately the issues that occurred at the City Airport were based around 2 individuals who wished to go against the best interests of the city. I think too many resources were spent on issues that did not effect a large group. I think spending less time and resources on these issues would have been better.


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