Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

General Election coverage begins

13 contested races in County

DAVENPORT—The 2023 General Election is less than a month away. Lincoln County citizens will be casting their votes in important county commissioner, city council, school board, fire district and other races to decide who will represent the people by 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7.

To help readers be better informed of who they will see on their ballots when those are mailed Oct. 18, our next four newspapers will contain information about the candidates. And there are a lot of candidates.

Across our readership, there are 13 contested races, along with five candidates new to their position running unopposed.

Coverage is planned as follows. This week’s paper covers contested races for the Harrington School Board, Harrington City Council and Mayor of Davenport.

The Oct. 19 issue will cover contested races for Odessa School Board and Reardan-Edwall School Board, while the Oct. 26 issue will cover contested races for Odessa Town Council, Mayor of Odessa, Sprague City Council and a brief introduction of unopposed candidates seeking office for the first time.

And the Nov. 2 issue will cover contested races for Fire District No. 4 Commissioner and Cemetery District No. 7 Commissioner, as well as coverage of a Sprague EMS levy and a brief mention of unopposed, incumbent candidates.

Each candidate in a contested race is being asked identical and relevant questions to those of their opponents. They are given a 100-word per-question limit and given several days to offer their responses.

It is up to each candidate to complete their questionnaire by the newspaper deadline to receive coverage. If a candidate’s responses or information is not shared in a race, then that candidate elected to not participate in or respond to the questionnaire.

So happy reading, and we hope that the next month’s coverage helps inform your voting habits.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

Author photo

Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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