Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Candidate for Odessa School Board: Carmen Weishaar

Age: 47

Family: I met and married Traig Weishaar 26 years ago. Together we have two children Tori; a recent college graduate, and Pilot; who is currently in college.

Day Job: I am a third generation farmer. Traig, a fourth generation farmer, and I started our own farm 24 years ago. Through the years we have diversified and expanded. I serve as the farm's financial and office manager.

Relevent or Volunteer Experience: I have served the Odessa School Board for 6 years, holding many different committee positions in those years. A firm believer in community service; I have served the community of Odessa for 19 years. Past and current services include; preschool co-op board member and President, classroom reading volunteer, founding member and Treasurer for the Odessa Friends of the Pool, Odessa Athletic Booster Club board member and volunteer, Heritage Church Funeral Luncheon Committee Chair, Heritage Church Sanctuary and Hospitality Committee member, and Odessa Deutchesfest Kitchen Lead

Profile questions (please respond in 100 words or less per answer):

Question 1: Statistics show that statewide, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdowns that led to learning loss is still felt today. How could the School Board help narrow the gap of learning loss caused by COVID?

The Odessa School District is actively addressing COVID-induced learning gaps. We are using a data-driven approach, utilizing both state and internal testing to tailor remediation for all students. Additionally, we have customized support staff roles to focus on students with specific support needs. Equally important, we are addressing the socio-emotional impact of the shutdown, providing support and strategies for the entire student body. By implementing these measures, the School Board can effectively contribute to narrowing the ongoing learning loss caused by the pandemic and ensure our students receive the best education possible.

Question 2: Earlier this year, some parents vocally and publicly voiced their displeasure with the School District, accusing staff members of mistreating students or ignoring mistreatment against students by others. Do you see this as a problem in the District? If so, how should this be remedied? If not, why do you think those complaints could have been overblown?

The concerns voiced by parents this year are a significant focus for our District. Taking every parent's concerns seriously and conducting thorough investigations is essential. Following that school board meeting, our Superintendent promptly reached out to affected families, to develop strategies for investigation and action. An important takeaway from the meeting was the need for parents to know that their Board Members are readily available for open, honest conversations at any time. Moving forward, fostering open communication between Administration, the School Board, and parents will build trust, ensuring our students the best possible learning environment.

Question 3: How would you help maintain a balanced District budget amidst continually rising costs and inflation mixed with rather stagnant enrollment trends? If budget issues someday led to tough decisions, such as deciding between staff layoffs and program cuts, how would you inform those choices as a Board member?

As a board member, I prioritize our district's financial stability. Our board strives to effectively utilize our state funding and seek grants to offset costs. In doing so we are able to maintain a healthy reserve fund while providing excellent educational and extracurricular opportunities. Given our strong fiscal management I believe Odessa is well prepared to handle budget challenges and enrollment trends. In the event that tough decisions are needed, such as layoffs or program cuts, I would involve staff and community in a collaborative process to make informed choices that prioritize the best interests of our students and district.


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