SPRAGUE — An unknown-by-authorities person evidently figured Doerschlag Road was as good a place as any to drop off a massive load of tires last Monday, Oct. 9.
According to police records, Jason Osborne of Sprague was driving to work around 5:30 a.m. that day and discovered “a lot” of tires on Doerschlag Road about two miles east of Harrington-Tokio Road.
Osborne moved the tires off the roadway and called the police, records state.
Lincoln County Public Works arrived on scene and determined that there were enough tires to fill a semitruck, according to police records.
Public Works Director Dave Orvis told the Lincoln County Commissioners Monday, Oct. 16 that the county might be compensated for the cost of having to dispose of the tires.
“I’m not sure how you could ever catch the guy who did this,” he said.
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