Current Use Classification
that the Board of Lincoln County
Commissioners will conduct a
public hearing regarding an application
by Roger E. Coleman to
reclassify certain real property as
open space/timber land for current
use classification pursuant
to RCW 84.34.
Said application involves certain
parcels of land located as
follows: The N2 of the SE4; a
tract of land in a portion of the
N2 of the SE4; an in Section 17,
Township 27N, Range 37 EWM,
Parcel No. 2737-017-800030
The hearing will be held in the
Commissioners’ chambers on
the lower level of the Lincoln
County Courthouse, 450 Logan
Street, Davenport, Washington
on Monday, November 20, 2023
at 11:00 a.m.
Additional information may be
obtained from the Clerk of the
Board or by telephoning the
Commissioners’ office 509-725-
3031. DATED at Davenport,
Lincoln County, Washington this
6th day of November, 2023.
Tara Holden
Clerk of the Board
Published November 9, 2023
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