Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

Davenport Times-Tribune publisher Nathan Russell Hill died of liver cirrhosis at age 35.

Davenport City Council approved a resolution to pave Morgan Street from 15 feet east of Fourth Street to 50 feet east of Eighth Street.

A Creston man, William Miller, was arrested after fighting four cops, including Sheriff F.J. Gilpatric, after being accused of being “crazed from drinking moonshine.

75 years ago

Incumbent Mayor Cleo Richards narrowly defeated challenger Harry Heid by 11 votes in his bid for re-election.

A new electrical signal device was installed at the intersection of Highway 28 between Davenport and Harrington and the Northern Pacific Railway to warn drivers of approaching trains after two were killed in wrecks at the crossing.

Sheriff Frank Rambo announced his opposition to issuing of any license for liquor by the drink except within municipality limits in Lincoln County.

50 years ago

The Lincoln County Commissioners tapped Fred Stehr of Odessa to be the board’s chairman.

Bob Stuhlmiller of Edwall was elected state first vice-president at the Farm Bureau convention.

The Reardan-Edwall School District board elected to cancel school bus runs the Friday before Christmas to save on gas costs.

25 years ago

Local leaders, including county commissioners, mayors and school superintendents, decried government mandates believed to better tailor the needs of King County and come up short on dollars in sparsely populated, rural regions of the state in a visit with Lt. Gov. Brad Owen.

Fish and Wildlife officers caught a Spokane-based poacher in the act using a robotic decoy deer set up in the Fishtrap area.

The Reardan-Edwall School District hired business manager Carol Gillespie away from the Harrington School District.

10 years ago

Davenport city councilmembers asked city staff and Sunshine Disposal to include the cost of providing toters and year-round garbage collection services in their proposals.

Sidney Cole wrote a front-page story about her senior project that spotlighted the dangers of texting while driving.

The Davenport Lions Club-sponsored Christmas Care Project neared its completion.


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