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FFA presents ag issue to Commissioners

Conservation model was discussed

DAVENPORT - Per annual tradition, the Reardan FFA ag issues team gave a 15-minute presentation on this year's issue of study to the Lincoln County Commissioners Tuesday, Feb. 20.

This year, the chapter is studying the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and questioning whether that model can survive with, or despite, the current Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Commission.

The team, consisting of Wyatt Stolp, Amelia Ray, Bryson Flaa, Aidan Chilson and Rysen Soliday, presented both sides of the issue to the Commissioners as one of what advisor Rick Perleberg said could be up to 20 presentations the chapter completes this year.

FFA members explained that the WDFW Commission consists of nine members appointed by Gov. Jay Inslee. Proponents of the North American Model questioned whether just nine members, who are divided by opinion, philosophy and values, could accurately call the shots for the entire state.

The Model relies on seven tenants, which believe in wildlife being a public trust resource, elimination of markets for game, allocation of wildlife by law, democracy of hunting, that wildlife can only be killed for a legitimate purpose, that wildlife is an international resource and that science is the proper tool for discharge of wildlife policy.

Opponents of the Model questioned whether it could hold up the pressure of unique issues facing wildlife in the state, including publicly owned wildlife vs. privately owned habitat, increasing human populations and a diverse mix of urban and rural areas.

Reardan qualified for state, which is in Pullman in May, earlier this month.

A State Championship would advance the Ag Issues chapter to the National Convention in October.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

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Drew Lawson is the former managing editor of the Davenport Times and a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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