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Looking Back

100 years ago

• Two Odessa schoolboys were lodged in the county jail on charges of breaking into the A.W. Birge garage and taking a Ford car.

• Revere district farmer John Potts sued Robert MacDonald of Sprague for $25,000, saying MacDonald made slanderous remarks about Potts.

75 years ago

• A once denied petition for formation of a cemetery district including 97 sections of land around Edwall hit another snag when a few farmers opposed the district.

• New school board members were elected around Lincoln County, including E.E. Bartalamay and John Scrupps in Odessa, Louis Wraspir in Irby, Pete Brommer and Arthur Carstens in Reardan, Ralph Schirr and Violet Miller in Sprague, Ralph Elliott and Carl Devenish in Edwall, George Riddle in Ford, Elmer Easton and George Knapp in Harrington and Crawford Burns and Laurence Jayne in Davenport.

50 years ago

Editor’s Note: The March 14, 1974 issue of the Times isn’t included in the newspaper archives. The 50 years ago section will return next week.

25 years ago

• The Reardan boys basketball team advanced to the 1A state tournament, but bowed out after two straight losses.

• Mindy Hatcher and Rachelle Charlton were named finalists for Miss Harrington, while Mary Hammer, Allison Mason, Julia Seyler and Lisa Simonian were the finalists for Miss Reardan-Edwall.

10 years ago

• The U.S. Navy determined that pilot error caused the crash of a training jet into a field east of Harrington in 2013.

• The County Health Dept. warned that recent flooding may have impacted private drinking water wells.


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