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Lincoln County Dept. of Public

Works, 27234 State Route 25N,

Davenport, Washington 99122,

is seeking coverage under

the Washington State Department

of Ecology’s Construction

Stormwater, NPDES and

State Waste Discharge General


The proposed projects, known

as the Miles Creston Road

Section 1 & 1B, County Road

Projects G-1034 & G-1035, are

located between M.P. 0.00 and

3.01 for section 1 and M.P. 3.01

and 4.66 for section 1B on Miles

Creston Road No. 95100. The

project begins at the intersection

of Miles Creston Road and State

Highway 2, approximately 1.8

miles Southeast of Creston,

Washington in Lincoln County,

and extends 4.66 to the intersection

of Copenhaver Rd.

51410 These projects involve

approximately 18 acres of soil

disturbance to provide areas for

road expansion and equipment

storage. Project activities will

include: Remove the existing

asphalt surface; Install new

drainage pipes; Install guardrail;

Resurface approach roadway

with crushed and asphaltic surfacing

material; Reclamation of

all areas disturbed.

Any potential for discharge

resulting from construction and

project area to natural drainage

channels or Welch Creek

will be controlled by the Best

Management Practices (BMP’s)

practicable, using the Stormwater

Management Manual for

Eastern Washington as a guide.

BMP’s may include but not

necessarily be limited to the


 Work performed will be at

low flow in the dry periods of


 Preserve Natural Vegetation,

Grass Lined Channels and

Buffer Zones

 Stabilize Construction Entrances

and Road/Parking Areas

 Temporary and Permanent

Seeding upon completion of


Any person(s) desiring to present

their views to the Washington

State Department of Ecology

regarding this application, or

interested in Ecology’s action

on this application, may notify

Ecology in writing no later than

30 days of the last date of publication

of this notice. Ecology

reviews public comments and

considers whether discharges

from this project would cause a

measurable change in receiving

water quality

and, if so, whether the project is

necessary and in the overriding

public interest according to Tier

II antidegradation requirements

under WAC 173-201A-320.

Publication dates of this notice

are March15, 2024, and March

22, 2024.

Comments can be submitted to:

Department of Ecology

Attn: Water Quality Program,

Construction Stormwater

P.O. Box 47696

Olympia, WA 98504-7696

Published March 21 and 28,



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