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Planners discuss code updates

DAVENPORT — The Lincoln County Planning Commission set a goal of presenting an updated zoning code with additional sections regarding wind and solar development to the County Commissioners by the Commissioners’ regular meeting Monday, June 3.

In a regular meeting Monday, May 13, The Commission discussed the portion of the current draft that discusses solar provisions and offered suggested edits largely centered around slight adjustments to wording.

No official draft was reviewed, and the meeting was tabled to 9 a.m. Tuesday, May 28 for more discussion around the wind section of the code.

After that, chair Sue Lani Madsen said she hopes the Commission will have a full draft ordinance prepared to offer the Commissioners.

The first 75 minutes of the meeting, however, again centered around controversial wind turbine developments proposed here. Madsen took concerns from members of the public there while attempting to keep the focus on issues that directly relate to the zoning code.

Some working group and Commission members who have been researching wind-related concerns gave reports at Monday’s meeting.

Vice chair James Johnson said the biggest construction use appears to be in road construction, while landowner Casey Nonnemacher, who has leased land to Tenaska/Cordelio, said water rights aren’t included in the agreement.

Leigh Ost discussed endangered bird species here, eight of which live in Lincoln County, she said.

Landowner John Zeimantz said viewsheds aren’t included provisions in other ordinances he researched, while Terry Krupke discussed how ice throw from turbines could be an issue during icy winters.

Nonnemacher said the Dept. of Natural Resources told him aerial firefighters can fly within a quarter mile of the turbines.

The May 28 continuation of the meeting is at the Public Works Building off State Highway 25.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

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Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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