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Local FFA teams qualify for nationals

Davenport, Reardan represented

PULLMAN - Two area FFA teams qualified for the National Convention with first-place, state championship performances at the 94th State FFA Convention and Expo May 9-11. Both the Reardan FFA Ag Issues team and a Davenport Middle School agriscience team will compete at Nationals in Indianapolis in late October.

Davenport's pairing of eighth-graders Brooke Bell and Sage Kresser competed in a division of agriscience in April 20 competition in Puyallup. Bell and Kresser competed in middle school pair social science, and their project of comparing public perception of chicken and duck eggs was named state champion at the State Convention.

FFA advisor Todd Hargrave said the pair surveyed and tested fellow middle school students with chicken and duck eggs cooked standalone and into baked goods.

Bell and Kresser were inspired by chicken egg shortage issues and wondered if duck eggs could be a good alternative.

The pair will now start fundraising for October's convention.

Reardan's ag issues team of Rysen Soliday, Wyatt Stolp, Aidan Chilson, Amelia Ray and Bryson Flaa also earned a state championship in Pullman and will be competing at Nationals.

"Absolute professionals over the course of the convention," advisor Rick Perleberg said. "I can't wait to see what they do in Indianapolis in October."

Reardan's parliamentary procedure team of Evan Krupke, Ashley Landt, Soliday, Ray, Chilson and Stolp took fourth at state.

The conduct of chapter meetings team of Paige Cushman, Emersen Sprecher, Myleigh Benham, John Schulz and Kashley Brown also placed fourth.

Additionally, Landt was named the 2024-25 FFA State Secretary. Look for more in next week's newspaper.

Davenport also sent two ag sales teams to Pullman and were the only school to have two teams in the top 10, finishing fifth.

Freshman Tanner Zaugg had the top individual finish with second place, while seniors Jacob Harvey and Chase Zellmer finished third and ninth, respectively.

And in Odessa, Nathan Melcher was the chapter's lone top 10 finisher by earning eighth place in milk quality and production.

Author Bio

Drew Lawson, Editor

Author photo

Drew Lawson is the editor of the Davenport Times. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University.


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