Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

Oscar Oehlwein of Davenport won third place in the mile run at the state interscholastic meet in Pullman.

The annual meeting of the Lincoln County Tuberculosis league was held, with Dr. C.S. Bumgarner of Davenport elected president and Mrs. W.A. Buckley of Sprague elected vice president.

A proposition to bond the city of Davenport for $10,000 to raise money to pave Morgan Street lost in a special election.

75 years ago

Jerry Walter of Odessa showed a shorthorn steer that was declared grand champion over all breeds at the Spokane Junior Livestock Show. Gordon Odell of Davenport for being the high individual in a 4-H judging contest, while Johnny Schultz of Reardan had the reserve champion.

Two Spokane men were arrested in Davenport and another man was arrested in Odessa for drunk driving. The men were fined $3.50 costs.

Joyce Fisher and Marianne Ortel of Davenport took the girls doubles crown at the Lincoln-Adams bi-county tennis championship, while Rita Furgeson of Davenport won girls singles. Harley Frank and Frank Koth of Odessa won boys doubles and Gordon Swyter of Harrington won boys singles.

50 years ago

County road grader driver Eldred Hollis narrowly escaped serious injury and possible death when the grader he was operating overturned in Mondovi.

A $10,000 claim was filed against Lincoln County by a Spokane man who claimed he was unjustly arrested and jailed.

The Harrington float came away with honors at the annual Torchlight and Lilac parades in Spokane.

25 years ago

History was made in the Harrington Opera House when the Tom Collier Jazz Trio took the stage for the auditorium’s first musical performance in over 40 years.

A high school student faced bomb threat charges and expulsion following an incident that caused the Reardan-Edwall School District to evacuate its buildings.

In a split vote, Davenport City Council decided to bill landlords instead of tenants for utilities.

10 years ago

Four finalists for the Davenport Elementary School principal’s position being vacated by Jill Freeze were named, including Reardan High principal Courtney Strozyk, DHS graduate Kate Wenzl, Nick Edwards and Nicole Nanny.

All incumbents filed for Lincoln County offices, and no one received a challenger.

Davenport’s Palmer Guhlke and Kaysa Panke and Odessa-Harrington’s Madison Charlton qualified for state golf.


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