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Birthdays and Anniversaries

Davenport birthdays

July 4: Bruce Dehn, Ozius Harden, Tom Plumb

July 5: Debbie Miller

July 6: Lorie Wandling, Kira Strite, Mike Hardin, Ian Cassidy, Tami Dobson

July 7: Jim Gunning, Duane Emery, Koda Coffman, Traci Gants, Rebecca Choate

July 8: Bo Gunning, Kathy Johnson, Sarah Vesneske, Alton Leisle, Joyce Walsh, Kaiden Bodeau

July 9: Bob Guhlke, Bob Fisher, Claudia Thompson, Wylie Hendrickson, Rachel Lacy, Maia Goetz

July 10: Nick Nicholls, Logan Eldred, Bronson Pankey



July 4: James and Maria Bellotti, John and Barbara Badgley

July 6: Mike and Lynda Leffel

July 7: John and Tracy Gunning, David and Doreen Forest

July 9: Nathan and Torri Mielke, Ryan and Shannon Janke

July 10: Aaron and Alicia Wilson, Tyson and Rachel Lacy, Aaron and Andee Jacobsen, Jeff and Ashley Gunning, Tristan and Carissa Abbott

Reardan birthdays

July 4: Nick Cantrell

July 5: BJ Kieffer, Journie Sobotta Denise Bennett

July 7: Tyna Sprecher

July 10: Brenda Dormaier



July 7: Tom and Joanne Schultz, Wyatt and Charlene Anderson

July 8: Paul and Lorri Williams

Harrington birthdays

July 4: Lidia Mattozzi

July 5: Jessica Hensley

July 7: Emily Charlton

July 8: Colt Johnson

July 10: Renea Larmer

Harrington anniversaries

July 5: Ben and Brandy Sheaffer

July 8: Ryan and Sundei Floyd, Jacob and Haley Tanke

July 9: Mark and Shelley Hall

July 10: Jay and Susana Knapp

Odessa birthdays

July 4: Emersyn Smith, Rita Voise, Meagan Tebow

July 5: Debbi Walter

July 8: Terry Goetz

July 9: Karin Hardt, Martha Todd



July 4: Jason and Danielle Scrupps

July 5: Daniel and Kayla Glaze

July 9: Gary and Nancy Floether


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